RM20 1WN is a postcode in the settlement of Grays
There are 29 unique locations in this postcode area. Discover more details about each location below:
Deedee's Caf� is located at coordinates (0.279463, 51.4847276).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: West Thurrock Way
- City: Grays
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Amenity: Cafe
- Level: 1
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Website: Https: //www.therange.co.uk/deedees-cafe/
Tapi Carpets is located at coordinates (0.27886564819898, 51.485865832956).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: A3
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Carpet
- Brand: Tapi Carpets
- Brand: Wikidata: Q79223951
- Building: Part: Yes
- Contact: Website: https://www.tapi.co.uk/stores/thurrock
- Email: [email protected]
- Opening Hours: Mo-Tu 09: 30-20: 00; We-Fr 09: 30-18: 00; Sa 09: 00-18: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1708 208420
Natuzzi is located at coordinates (0.27710907571335, 51.487471604221).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: B4
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-19: 00; Sa 09: 00-18: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 252653
- Website: Http: //www.natuzzi.co.uk/
- Wikipedia: En: Natuzzi
ScS is located at coordinates (0.27460836876116, 51.486720867926).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Lakeside Reatil Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Brand: ScS
- Brand: Wikidata: Q19654399
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: ScS
- Building: Part: Yes
- Email: [email protected];[email protected]
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-20: 00; Sa 09: 00-18: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 191 731 3300;+44 191 521 9521
- Website: Https: //www.scs.co.uk/
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Wren Kitchens is located at coordinates (0.27639171416934, 51.487360280168).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Building: Retail
- Shop: Kitchen
- Air Conditioning: Yes
- Brand: Wren Kitchens
- Brand: Wikidata: Q8037744
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Wren Kitchens
- Building: Levels: 2
- Contact: Website: https://www.wrenkitchens.com/showrooms/lakeside
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: Customers
- Nohousenumber: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Tu 09: 00-21: 00; We 09: 00-22: 00; Th-Fr 09: 00-20: 00; Sa 09: 00-18: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 209209
- Roof: Levels: 0
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
HomeSense is located at coordinates (0.27555754157706, 51.485242002755).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 3
- Street: West Thurrock Way
- City: Grays
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Interior Decoration
- Brand: HomeSense
- Brand: Wikidata: Q16844433
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: HomeSense
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 09: 00-20: 00; Fr-Sa 09: 00-21: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Operator: TK Maxx
- Phone: +44 1708 869507
- Website: Https: //www.homesense.com/
Tim Hortons is located at coordinates (0.27721572074821, 51.484711223178).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: Unit 44
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Cafe
- Brand: Tim Hortons
- Brand: Wikidata: Q175106
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Tim Hortons
- Cuisine: Coffee Shop
- Delivery: No
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: Customers
- Opening Hours: Mo-Su 06: 00-24: 00
- Smoking: Outside
- Takeaway: Yes
- Website: Https: //timhortons.co.uk/
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
The Range is located at coordinates (0.2792607082274, 51.484723713547).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: A1
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Houseware
- Brand: The Range
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7759409
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Range (retailer)
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-20: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 862094
- Website: Https: //www.therange.co.uk/
Card Factory is located at coordinates (0.27889337691311, 51.485603186165).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: A2a
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Gift
- Brand: Card Factory
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5038192
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Card Factory
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo
- Phone: +44 1708 682825
- Website: Https: //www.cardfactory.co.uk/
Costa is located at coordinates (0.27882320904668, 51.485978025669).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: A4
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Amenity: Cafe
- Brand: Costa
- Brand: Wikidata: Q608845
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Costa Coffee
- Building: Part: Yes
- Cuisine: Coffee Shop
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: No
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 08: 00-17: 00; Sa-Su 08: 00-17: 30
- Outdoor Seating: Yes
- Smoking: Outside
- Takeaway: Yes
- Website: Https: //www.costa.co.uk/
Subway is located at coordinates (0.27874603292246, 51.486095336973).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: A5
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Amenity: Fast Food
- Brand: Subway
- Brand: Wikidata: Q244457
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Subway (restaurant)
- Building: Part: Yes
- Contact: Website: https://restaurants.subway.com/united-kingdom/en/grays/lakeside-retail-park
- Cuisine: Sandwich
- Delivery: No
- Drive Through: No
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 00-20: 00; Su 09: 00-20: 00
- Operator: Doctor's Associates Inc.
- Phone: +44 1708 866097
- Smoking: Outside
- Takeaway: Yes
Smyths is located at coordinates (0.27868916101362, 51.486346647884).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: B1a
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Toys
- Brand: Smyths
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7546779
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Smyths
- Building: Part: Yes
- Disused: Shop: Department Store
- Old Name: Argos
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fi 09: 00-21: 00; Sa 09: 00-19: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Source: Postcode: Code-point Open
- Website: Https: //www.smythstoys.com/uk/en-gb
Currys is located at coordinates (0.27831115317117, 51.486611175419).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: B1b
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Electronics
- Brand: Currys
- Brand: Wikidata: Q3246464
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Currys
- Building: Part: Yes
- Contact: Website: https://www.currys.co.uk/store-finder/thurrock-5230.html
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-20: 00; Sa 10: 00-19: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
B&M Bargains is located at coordinates (0.27791298574184, 51.486904856458).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: B2
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Variety Store
- Brand: B&M Bargains
- Brand: Wikidata: Q4836931
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: B&M
- Building: Part: Yes
- Contact: Website: https://www.bmstores.co.uk/stores/lakeside-essex-502
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 00-20: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 330 838 9502
Next Home is located at coordinates (0.27761901886027, 51.487126729823).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: B3a
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Brand: Next Home
- Brand: Wikidata: Q116897680
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Next Plc
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-20: 00; Sa 09: 30-19: 30; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 333 005 5601
- Website: Https: //stores.next.co.uk/stores/single/341
Longdan is located at coordinates (0.27744089866636, 51.487249037255).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: B3ab
- Housename: Unit B3A/B
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Supermarket
- Brand: Longdan
- Brand: Wikidata: Q111462402
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 10: 00-20: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Origin: Asian
- Website: Https: //longdan.co.uk/
Calligaris is located at coordinates (0.27728060393722, 51.48735595404).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-19: 00; Sa 10: 30-17: 00; Su 09: 00-18: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 805821
- Website: Https: //www.calligaris.com/GB/en
Nando's is located at coordinates (0.27588366404997, 51.487317318172).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: C2
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Brand: Nando's
- Brand: Wikidata: Q3472954
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Nando's
- Building: Part: Yes
- Cuisine: Chicken;portuguese
- Delivery: Yes
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: Customers
- Opening Hours: Mo-Su 11: 30-22: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 862608
- Smoking: Outside
- Takeaway: Yes
- Website: Https: //www.nandos.co.uk/restaurants/thurrock
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Bensons for Beds is located at coordinates (0.2756967228781, 51.487225623069).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: D1a
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Bed
- Brand: Bensons For Beds
- Brand: Wikidata: Q4890299
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Bensons For Beds
- Building: Part: Yes
- Contact: Website: https://stores.bensonsforbeds.co.uk/thurrock/unit-d1a-lakeside-retail-park
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: Customers
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-20: 00; Sa 09: 00-19: 00; Su 10: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 869617
- Website: Https: //www.bensonsforbeds.co.uk/
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Easy Bathrooms is located at coordinates (0.27548921506209, 51.487107211698).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: D1b
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Bathroom Furnishing
- Brand: Easy Bathrooms
- Brand: Wikidata: Q114348566
- Building: Part: Yes
- Email: [email protected]
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 08: 00-17: 30; Sa 09: 00-17: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 200538
- Website: Https: //www.easybathrooms.com/
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Sofa Workshop (closed) is located at coordinates (0.27517956508613, 51.487052959788).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: D2a
- Housenumber: Unit D2a
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Building: Yes
- Shop: Yes
- Building: Part: Yes
Oak Furnitureland is located at coordinates (0.2749935518495, 51.486943292951).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: D2b
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Brand: Oak Furnitureland
- Brand: Wikidata: Q16959724
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Oak Furnitureland
- Building: Part: Yes
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: Customers
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 30-20: 00; Sa 09: 30-18: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1375 800726
- Website: Https: //www.oakfurnitureland.co.uk/showrooms/thurrock.html
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Dreams is located at coordinates (0.27482169528602, 51.486846651295).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Bed
- Brand: Dreams
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5306688
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Dreams (bed Retailer)
- Building: Part: Yes
- Contact: Website: https://dreams.co.uk/store/lakeside
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-20: 00; Sa 09: 00-18: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1708 682888
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Sofology is located at coordinates (0.27622548190784, 51.4860443493).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: E4
- Street: West Thurrock Way
- City: Grays
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-20: 00; Sa 10: 00-18: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 344 481 8044
- Website: Https: //www.sofology.co.uk/
Mamas & Papas is located at coordinates (0.2760210090241, 51.4857794182).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: West Thurrock Way
- City: Grays
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Baby Goods
- Brand: Mamas & Papas
- Brand: Wikidata: Q6745447
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Mamas & Papas
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 10: 00-19: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 330 024 8710
- Website: Https: //www.mamasandpapas.com/
Novia Furniture is located at coordinates (0.27610823167107, 51.485896716066).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: E5
- Street: West Thurrock Way
- City: Grays
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Building: Part: Yes
- Email: [email protected]
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 10: 00-19: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 30
- Phone: +44 1708 864982
- Website: Https: //noviafurniture.co.uk/
Choice is located at coordinates (0.27584626673028, 51.485645914103).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: West Thurrock Way
- City: Grays
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Clothes
- Branch: Clearance
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-20: 00; Sa 09: 00-19: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Operator: Next
- Phone: +44 1708 918547
- Website: Https: //www.choicediscount.com/
Dwell is located at coordinates (0.27571582056498, 51.485466206344).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: E2
- Street: West Thurrock Way
- City: Grays
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Furniture
- Building: Part: Yes
- Email: [email protected]
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-20: 00; Sa 10: 00-18: 00; Su 11: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1375 600185
- Website: Https: //dwell.co.uk/
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Lidl is located at coordinates (0.27907060177677, 51.485094036515).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Lakeside Retail Park
- City: West Thurrock
- Postcode: RM20 1WN
- Shop: Supermarket
- Brand: Lidl
- Brand: Wikidata: Q151954
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Lidl
- Building: Part: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 00-22: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00; PH 08: 00-20: 00
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Same
- Website: Https: //www.lidl.co.uk/
The Postcode was introduced in July 1995.
Location Details
OS Easting (X): | 558125 |
OS Northing (Y): | 178840 |
Latitude (X): | 51.486415 |
Longitude (Y): | 0.276067 |
Postal Area: | RM |
Postal District: | RM20 |
Postal Sector: | RM20 1 |
Country: | England |
County: | (pseudo) England (UA-MD-LB) |
Built up Area: | Grays BUA |
Built up Area (Sub Division): | Grays BUASD |
Police Force: | Essex |
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs): | NHS Thurrock CCG |
Former European Constituency: | Eastern |
Strategic Health Authority: | East of England |
Local Authority: | Thurrock |
Electoral Ward: | West Thurrock and South Stifford |
Westminster Parliamentary Constituency: | Thurrock |
Government Office Region: | East of England |
LSOA: | Thurrock 015C |
MSOA: | Thurrock 015 |
NHS England Region: | East of England |
NHS Primary Care Trust: | South West Essex |
Rural / Urban Classification: | (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation |
Sustainability and Transformation Partnership: | Mid and South Essex |
Local Learning and Skills Council: | Essex |
Travel to Work Area: | London |
Census Supergroup: | Multicultural metropolitans |
Census Group: | Rented family living |
Census Subgroup: | Social renting young families |
Nearby Amenities
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