CT10 2BF is a postcode in the settlement of Ramsgate
There are 44 unique locations in this postcode area. Discover more details about each location below:
Westwood Cross is located at coordinates (1.3921301509079, 51.358775819226).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 23
- Street: Margate Road
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Retail: Retail Park
- Url: Http: //www.westwoodx.co.uk/
- Wikidata: Q7989870
- Wikipedia: En: Westwood Cross
Travelodge is located at coordinates (1.3894883970766, 51.358361941992).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 53
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Yes
- Tourism: Hotel
- Brand: Travelodge
- Brand: Wikidata: Q9361374
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Travelodge UK
- Fhrs: Authority: Thanet
- Fhrs: Local Authority Id: PI/000088415
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: Customers
- Internet Access: Ssid: Travelodge WiFi
- Phone: Signed: No
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Marks & Spencer is located at coordinates (1.3909465369295, 51.359568595616).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 1
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Retail
- Shop: Department Store
- Branch: Westwood Cross
- Brand: Marks & Spencer
- Brand: Wikidata: Q714491
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Marks & Spencer
- Building: Levels: 3
- Building: Min Level: 0
- Contact: Website: https://www.marksandspencer.com/stores/westwood-cross-4857
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0;1
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 00-19: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Operator: Marks & Spencer
- Phone: +44 1843 609531
- Roof: Levels: 0
- Toilets: Yes
- Toilets: Wheelchair: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Vue is located at coordinates (1.3898268312555, 51.357786287846).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 52
- Housename: Vue
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Retail
- Amenity: Cinema
- Brand: Vue International
- Brand: Wikidata: Q2535134
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Vue Cinemas
- Phone: +44 871 224 0240
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10022962952
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Mecca Bingo is located at coordinates (1.3913255577911, 51.356932018748).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 46
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Gambling
- Brand: Mecca Bingo
- Brand: Wikidata: Q39738082
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //www.facebook.com/meccathanet
- Contact: Twitter: Https: //twitter.com/MeccaThanet
- Email: Manager [email protected]
- Gambling: Bingo
- Phone: +44 1843 579330
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10022962957
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Frankie & Benny's is located at coordinates (1.3910665895232, 51.357771935326).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 50
- Housename: Westwood Cross
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Retail
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Alt Name: STACKS
- Brand: Frankie & Benny's
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5490892
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Frankie & Benny's
- Building: Levels: 1
- Contact: Website: https://www.frankieandbennys.com/restaurants/south-east/thanet/thanet
- Cuisine: American
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 16: 00-22: 00; Fr-Su 12: 00-22: 00
- Roof: Levels: 1
- Roof: Shape: Quadruple Saltbox
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Nando's is located at coordinates (1.3902625923954, 51.357400959893).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 49
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Brand: Nando's
- Brand: Wikidata: Q3472954
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Nando's
- Cuisine: Chicken;portuguese
- Diet: Vegan: No
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Opening Hours: Mo-Su 11: 30-21: 30
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10022962953
- Website: Https: //www.nandos.co.uk/restaurants/thanet
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
ASK Italian is located at coordinates (1.3904558236382, 51.357254895583).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 48
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Brand: ASK Italian
- Brand: Wikidata: Q4807056
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: ASK Italian
- Cuisine: Italian
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: No
- Opening Hours: Su-Th 11: 00-22: 00; Fr-Sa 11: 00-23: 00
- Outdoor Seating: Yes
- Phone: +441843 869285
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10022962954
- Smoking: Outside
- Toilets: Yes
- Toilets: Wheelchair: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Primark is located at coordinates (1.3938425812388, 51.358180428632).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 46
- Street: Westwood Cross
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Retail
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: Primark
- Brand: Wikidata: Q137023
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Primark
- Building: Levels: 2
- Clothes: Women;men;children;underwear;hats;lingerie;accessories;babies
- Contact: Website: https://stores.primark.com/united-kingdom/kent/westwood-cross-shopping-centre
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0;1
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-20: 00
- Operator: Primark
- Payment: Contactless: Yes
- Payment: Credit Cards: Yes
- Payment: Debit Cards: Yes
- Payment: Mastercard: Yes
- Payment: Visa: Yes
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10013308210
- Roof: Levels: 0
- Roof: Shape: Flat
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
EE is located at coordinates (1.3916906660399, 51.359838640366).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 2A
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Mobile Phone
- Branch: Westwood Cross
- Brand: EE
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5322942
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: EE Limited
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-We 09: 30-19: 30; Th-Sa 09: 30-20: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Off
- Phone: +44 1843 603764
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Bella Italia is located at coordinates (1.3917954015439, 51.35987375228).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 1B
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Branch: Broadstairs
- Brand: Bella Italia
- Brand: Wikidata: Q4883362
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Bella Italia
- Cuisine: Italian
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Email: [email protected]
- Fhrs: Rating: 5
- Indoor: Room
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Outdoor Seating: Yes
- Phone: +44 1843 264028
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Vision Express is located at coordinates (1.3919853383144, 51.359939154214).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 4
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- County: Kent
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Optician
- District: Thanet
- Branch: Westwood Cross
- Brand: Vision Express
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7936150
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Vision Express
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: +44 1843 609520
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Coffee Corner is located at coordinates (1.3920738003107, 51.3599678589).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Westwood Cross
- Housenumber: 37
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- County: Kent
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Building: Yes
- Amenity: Cafe
- Check Date: 2021-01-22
- Cuisine: Cafe
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
Boots is located at coordinates (1.3922657459155, 51.360033735812).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 7
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Pharmacy
- Brand: Boots
- Brand: Wikidata: Q6123139
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Boots UK
- Dispensing: Yes
- Drive Through: No
- Email: Customercare [email protected]
- Fhrs: Rating: 5
- Healthcare: Pharmacy
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Open
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: +441843867146
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Menkind is located at coordinates (1.3930311286282, 51.36030358334).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Toys
- Brand: Menkind
- Brand: Wikidata: Q66725844
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-12-08
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Waterstones is located at coordinates (1.3931529110402, 51.360346221343).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 14
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Books
- Brand: Waterstones
- Brand: Wikidata: Q151779
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Waterstones
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Iconic is located at coordinates (1.3932772404896, 51.360388977792).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Jewelry
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: +44 1843 447171
- Start Date: 2020-12-11
- Website: Https: //iconicstore.co.uk/
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Costa is located at coordinates (1.3933734285276, 51.360449707955).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 16
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Cafe
- Branch: Thanet - Westwood Cross Shopping Centre
- Brand: Costa
- Brand: Wikidata: Q608845
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Costa Coffee
- Cuisine: Coffee Shop
- Diet: Vegan: Yes
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10012958665
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Takeaway: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Three. is located at coordinates (1.3934679522432, 51.360482818804).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 17
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Mobile Phone
- Brand: Three
- Brand: Wikidata: Q407009
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: 3 (telecommunications)
- Contact: Website: https://locator.three.co.uk/south/broadstairs/unit-12-westwood-cross
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 30-17: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: +441843862969
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10012958666
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
All Sorts of Sweets & Treats is located at coordinates (1.392927258712, 51.36026536087).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housename: Westwood Cross
- Housenumber: 8B
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Confectionery
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
The Works is located at coordinates (1.3928325854569, 51.360235144522).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Books
- Brand: The Works
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7775853
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Works (retailer)
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-17: 30; Sa 09: 00-20: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
The Perfume Shop is located at coordinates (1.3927192483621, 51.360194012043).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Perfumery
- Brand: The Perfume Shop
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7756719
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Perfume Shop
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Next is located at coordinates (1.3927209098906, 51.359697830979).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: Next
- Brand: Wikidata: Q246655
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Next Plc
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0;1
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-19: 30
- Operator: Next
- Phone: +44 3330 055 555
- Ref: 5657
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: No
Greggs is located at coordinates (1.3937732066186, 51.359980948438).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 27
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Fast Food
- Brand: Greggs
- Brand: Wikidata: Q3403981
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Greggs
- Cuisine: Sandwich;bakery
- Diet: Vegan: Yes
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Drive Through: No
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Open
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Takeaway: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
The Body Shop is located at coordinates (1.3939123451664, 51.360162172689).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Cosmetics
- Brand: The Body Shop
- Brand: Wikidata: Q837851
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Body Shop
- Geograph: Id: 1991553
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Su 10: 30-16: 00; Mo-Sa 09: 30-18: 30
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
HSBC UK is located at coordinates (1.3939061106749, 51.360015915425).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Bank
- Atm: Yes
- Brand: HSBC UK
- Brand: Wikidata: Q64767453
- Drive Through: No
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: +44 3457 404 404
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Subway is located at coordinates (1.3940617564114, 51.360045570153).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 21
- Street: Margate Road
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Fast Food
- Brand: Subway
- Brand: Wikidata: Q244457
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Subway (restaurant)
- Contact: Website: https://restaurants.subway.com/united-kingdom/en/thanet/mall
- Cuisine: Sandwich
- Delivery: Yes
- Diet: Vegan: Yes
- Diet: Vegetarian: Yes
- Drive Through: No
- Geograph: Id: 1991553
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 30-20: 30; Su 09: 00-17: 00
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Open
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Smoking: No
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Takeaway: Yes
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
TK Maxx is located at coordinates (1.3934581328031, 51.358606587525).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 44
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Department Store
- Brand: TK Maxx
- Brand: Wikidata: Q23823668
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: TK Maxx
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 00-23: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Toilets: No
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Footasylum is located at coordinates (1.3933736134706, 51.358837327214).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Shoes
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10012958692
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
JD Sports is located at coordinates (1.3933172250804, 51.358920699993).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Sports
- Brand: JD Sports
- Brand: Wikidata: Q6108019
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: JD Sports
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-20: 00; Sa 09: 00-19: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10012958691
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Wilko is located at coordinates (1.393265085948, 51.359028081323).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 41
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Variety Store
- Brand: Wilko
- Brand: Wikidata: Q8002536
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Wilko (retailer)
- Contact: Website: https://stores.wilko.com/gb/kent/terrace-5-unit-41
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10012958690
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
New Look is located at coordinates (1.3931769901021, 51.359169914029).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: New Look
- Brand: Wikidata: Q12063852
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: New Look (company)
- Clothes: Fashion;women
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 30-19: 30; Sa 09: 00-18: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Organic: No
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10012958689
- Second Hand: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
River Island is located at coordinates (1.3931113904991, 51.359289345427).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: River Island
- Brand: Wikidata: Q2670328
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: River Island
- Clothes: Fashion;women
- Contact: Website: https://www.riverisland.com/how-can-we-help/find-a-store/thanet
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Organic: No
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10012958688
- Second Hand: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Superdrug is located at coordinates (1.3930555876434, 51.359385590284).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Chemist
- Brand: Superdrug
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7643261
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Superdrug
- Contact: Website: https://www.superdrug.com/store/westwood-cross
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
WHSmith is located at coordinates (1.3929429679691, 51.3595075357).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 37
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Newsagent
- Brand: WHSmith
- Brand: Wikidata: Q1548712
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: WHSmith
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 00-21: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
H.Samuel is located at coordinates (1.3936096339784, 51.360026402619).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Jewelry
- Brand: H.Samuel
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5628558
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: H. Samuel
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 30-13: 30; Su 10: 00-14: 00
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Holland & Barrett is located at coordinates (1.393508834891, 51.359990483159).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 29
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Health Food
- Brand: Holland & Barrett
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5880870
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Holland & Barrett
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 00-19: 30; Sa 09: 00-18: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Organic: Yes
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Clarks is located at coordinates (1.39340924875, 51.35995564841).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Shoes
- Brand: Clarks
- Brand: Wikidata: Q1095857
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: C. & J. Clark
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 30-19: 30; Sa 09: 00-18: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
evapo is located at coordinates (1.3929549814985, 51.359794576825).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: E-cigarette
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 30-19: 30; Sa 09: 30-18: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
Yours Clothing is located at coordinates (1.3930590534495, 51.359831235099).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Clothes
- Brand: Yours Clothing
- Brand: Wikidata: Q84163322
- Clothes: Women
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 30-17: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Clintons is located at coordinates (1.3931641198719, 51.359867268047).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Gift
- Brand: Clintons
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5134299
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Clintons
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Signed: No
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
O2 is located at coordinates (1.3932884532549, 51.359911143834).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Shop: Mobile Phone
- Brand: O2
- Brand: Wikidata: Q1759255
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Telef�nica Europe
- Indoor: Room
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 30-18: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: Signed: No
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Caff� Nero is located at coordinates (1.3930507928699, 51.360462409186).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- County: Kent
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Cafe
- District: Thanet
- Brand: Caff� Nero
- Brand: Wikidata: Q675808
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Caff� Nero
- Contact: Website: https://caffenero.com/uk/store/thanet-waterstones-218/
- Cuisine: Coffee Shop
- Email: [email protected]
- Fhrs: Authority: Thanet
- Fhrs: Local Authority Id: PI/000035171
- Indoor: Area
- Level: 1
- Opening Hours: We-Sa 10: 00-16: 30; Mo
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Phone: +441843865800
- Survey: Date: 2020-03-01
- Takeaway: Yes
Grosvenor Casino is located at coordinates (1.3908990233523, 51.357179394123).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 47
- Street: Margate Road
- Suburb: Westwood
- City: Broadstairs
- Postcode: CT10 2BF
- Amenity: Casino
- Contact: Facebook: Https: //www.facebook.com/grosvenorthanet
- Contact: Twitter: Https: //twitter.com/gcthanet
- Email: [email protected]
- Gambling: Betting;poker;slot Machines
- Phone: +44 1843 579999
- Ref: GB: Uprn: 10022962958
- Website: Https: //www.grosvenorcasinos.com/local-casinos/thanet
The Postcode was introduced in July 2005.
Location Details
OS Easting (X): | 636286 |
OS Northing (Y): | 167740 |
Latitude (X): | 51.359553 |
Longitude (Y): | 1.392629 |
Postal Area: | CT |
Postal District: | CT10 |
Postal Sector: | CT10 2 |
Country: | England |
County: | Kent |
Electoral Country: | Ramsgate ED |
Built up Area: | Thanet BUA |
Built up Area (Sub Division): | Ramsgate BUASD |
Police Force: | Kent |
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs): | NHS Kent and Medway CCG |
Cancer Alliance: | Kent and Medway |
Former European Constituency: | South East |
Strategic Health Authority: | South East Coast |
Local Authority: | Thanet |
Electoral Ward: | Northwood |
Westminster Parliamentary Constituency: | South Thanet |
Government Office Region: | South East |
LSOA: | Thanet 011B |
MSOA: | Thanet 011 |
NHS England Region: | South East |
NHS Primary Care Trust: | Eastern and Coastal Kent |
Rural / Urban Classification: | (England/Wales) Urban city and town |
Sustainability and Transformation Partnership: | Kent and Medway |
Local Learning and Skills Council: | Kent and Medway |
Travel to Work Area: | Margate and Ramsgate |
Census Supergroup: | Rural residents |
Census Group: | Rural tenants |
Census Subgroup: | Rural life |
Nearby Amenities
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