CM2 6FD is a postcode in the settlement of Chelmsford
There are 31 unique locations in this postcode area. Discover more details about each location below:
Savers is located at coordinates (0.4763565, 51.7316065).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 36
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Brand: Savers
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7428189
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Savers (UK Retailer)
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Official Name: Savers Health & Beauty
- Old Name: Superdrug
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 349484
- Shop: Chemist
- Website: Https: //
Millie's Cookies is located at coordinates (0.4762007, 51.7317224).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 30
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Brand: Millie's Cookies
- Brand: Wikidata: Q1935533
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 10: 00-17: 00; Fr-Sa 10: 00-18: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 347111
- Shop: Bakery
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Website: Https: //
Wilko is located at coordinates (0.4762798, 51.7313436).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 38
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Parentstreet: High Street
- Brand: Wilko
- Brand: Wikidata: Q8002536
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Wilko (retailer)
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Contact: Website:
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 08: 30-17: 30; Sa 08: 30-18: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Phone: +44 333 005 1337
- Shop: Variety Store
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
Burger King is located at coordinates (0.475031, 51.7318489).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 20-21
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Amenity: Fast Food
- Brand: Burger King
- Brand: Wikidata: Q177054
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Burger King
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Cuisine: Burger
- Delivery: Yes
- Drive Through: No
- Indoor Seating: Yes
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Su 10: 00-22: 00
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Phone: +44 1245 808255
- Takeaway: Yes
- Website: Https: //
Brows is located at coordinates (0.4754013, 51.731864).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: Https: //
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Su 09: 00-17: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 267771
- Shop: Beauty
- Website: Http: //
Muffin Break is located at coordinates (0.4756654, 51.7318154).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 26
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Amenity: Cafe
- Brand: Muffin Break
- Brand: Wikidata: Q16964876
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Muffin Break
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Cuisine: Coffee Shop
- Indoor Seating: Yes
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 08: 00-17: 30; Sa 08: 00-18: 00; Su 10: 00-16: 30
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Takeaway: Yes
- Website: Https: //
2Nice is located at coordinates (0.4757934, 51.7317936).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Shop: Clothes
Lingaury is located at coordinates (0.4760776, 51.7318105).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 11
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Clothes: Underwear
- Level: 0
- Old Name: Ann Summers
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 09: 30-17: 30; Sa 09: 30-18: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Shop: Clothes
- Website: Https: //
Blue Sky Printing is located at coordinates (0.4755026, 51.7319162).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 6
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected]
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 20-16: 00
- Phone: +44 1245 690392
- Shop: Copyshop
- Website: Https: //
Card Factory is located at coordinates (0.4758476, 51.7318528).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 9
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Brand: Card Factory
- Brand: Wikidata: Q5038192
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Card Factory
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 00
- Phone: +44 1245 290143
- Shop: Gift
- Website: Https: //
Yours Clothing is located at coordinates (0.4757326, 51.7318739).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 8
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Brand: Yours Clothing
- Brand: Wikidata: Q84163322
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Clothes: Women
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 09: 00-17: 00; Fr-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 30-15: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 355876
- Shop: Clothes
- Website: Https: //
Marie Horn Boutique is located at coordinates (0.4759626, 51.7318316).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 10
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Old Name: Roman
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 347630
- Shop: Clothes
The Art Place - Ideas Hub is located at coordinates (0.4756176, 51.7318951).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 7
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected]
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Shop: Art
- Website: Https: //
The Works is located at coordinates (0.4762151, 51.7318422).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 12
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Brand: The Works
- Brand: Wikidata: Q7775853
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: The Works (retailer)
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 00-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 490614
- Shop: Books
- Website: Https: //
Brick Lane Bagel Co is located at coordinates (0.4753876, 51.7319374).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 5
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Disused: Office: Travel Agent
- Indoor Seating: Yes
- Level: 0
- Old Name: Thomson
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 09: 00-16: 30; Sa 09: 00-17: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 00
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Phone: +44 1245 697717
- Shop: Bakery
- Website: Https: //
Warren James is located at coordinates (0.4752726, 51.7319586).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 4
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Brand: Warren James
- Brand: Wikidata: Q19604616
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Warren James Jewellers
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo
- Phone: +44 1245 348078
- Shop: Jewelry
- Website: Https: //
Warhammer is located at coordinates (0.4770549, 51.7321356).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 8
- Street: Annonay Walk
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Alt Name: Games Workshop
- Brand: Warhammer
- Brand: Wikidata: Q587270
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Games Workshop
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: Https: //
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Tu
- Phone: +44 1245 490048
- Shop: Games
- Website: Https: //
Preto is located at coordinates (0.4750354, 51.7319622).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 1-3
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Parentstreet: High Street
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Cuisine: Brazilian
- Email: [email protected]
- Indoor Seating: Yes
- Internet Access: Wlan
- Internet Access: Fee: Customers
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th
- Opening Hours: Covid19: Off
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Phone: +44 1245 290434
- Source: Addr: FHRS Open Data
- Website: Https: //
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Bakers + Baristas is located at coordinates (0.4760153, 51.7313441).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 34
- Street: Meadow Walk
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Amenity: Cafe
- Brand: Bakers + Baristas
- Brand: Wikidata: Q85199581
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Cuisine: Coffee Shop
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 08: 00-17: 30; Su 09: 00-16: 30
- Outdoor Seating: Yes
- Phone: +44 1245 267837
- Takeaway: Yes
- Website: Https: //
James Bryan is located at coordinates (0.4760566, 51.7314281).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 33
- Housenumber: 33
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected]
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-We
- Phone: +44 1245 357766
- Shop: Optician
- Website: Https: //
The Men's Salon is located at coordinates (0.4765012, 51.7319363).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 1
- Street: French's Walk
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-We
- Shop: Hairdresser
- Website: Https: //
Regis is located at coordinates (0.4763342, 51.7315398).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 264446
- Shop: Hairdresser
- Website: Https: //
mobilebitz is located at coordinates (0.476306, 51.7314726).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Su 09: 00-17: 15
- Phone: +44 1245 698716
- Shop: Mobile Phone
- Website: Https: //
Western Computer is located at coordinates (0.4760811, 51.7314819).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected];[email protected]
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th
- Phone: +44 1245 330680;+44 333 344 9944
- Shop: Computer
- Website: Https: //
Priest Brothers is located at coordinates (0.4761083, 51.7315441).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected]
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 09: 00-17: 00; Fr 09: 00-16: 00; Sa
- Phone: +44 1245 450259
- Shop: Furniture
- Website: Http: //
No1 Currency is located at coordinates (0.4761429, 51.7316129).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 30a
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Amenity: Bureau De Change
- Brand: No1 Currency
- Brand: Wikidata: Q87139463
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 30-17: 30; Su Off
- Phone: +44 1245 348744
- Website: Https: //
Baskin-Robbins is located at coordinates (0.4761768, 51.7316738).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Amenity: Ice Cream
- Brand: Baskin-Robbins
- Brand: Wikidata: Q584601
- Brand: Wikipedia: En: Baskin-Robbins
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Cuisine: Ice Cream
- Indoor Seating: No
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Th 10: 00-17: 00; Fr-Sa 10: 00-18: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Outdoor Seating: No
- Takeaway: Only
- Website: Http: //
Grape Tree is located at coordinates (0.4755178, 51.7318422).
Here are some details about this location:
- Street: The Meadows
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Brand: Grape Tree
- Brand: Wikidata: Q87071497
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-17: 30; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 690410
- Shop: Health Food
- Website: Https: //
JET Sushi is located at coordinates (0.4766107, 51.7318228).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 2-3
- Street: French's Walk
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Amenity: Restaurant
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Cuisine: Sushi
- Email: [email protected]
- Level: 0
- Opening Hours: Mo Off; Tu-Th
- Phone: +44 1245 266517
- Website: Https: //
Ultimate Outdoors is located at coordinates (0.47753093441818, 51.732349204312).
Here are some details about this location:
- Unit: 2B
- Housename: The Meadows
- Housenumber: 36-40
- Street: Springfield Road
- City: Chelmsford
- Country: GB
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Building: Retail
- Shop: Outdoor
- Brand: Ultimate Outdoors
- Building: Levels: 2
- Opening Hours: Mo-Sa 09: 00-18: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30
- Phone: +44 1245 204533
- Roof: Levels: 0
- Website: Https: //
Meadows Shopping Centre is located at coordinates (0.4761763666998, 51.731669259618).
Here are some details about this location:
- Housenumber: 42-47
- Street: High Street
- City: Chelmsford
- Postcode: CM2 6FD
- Building: Retail
- Shop: Mall
- Building: Levels: 2
- Building: Material: Brick
- Check Date: 2022-04-20
- Email: [email protected]
- Layer: 1
- Opening Hours: Mo-Fr 08: 00-17: 30; Sa 08: 00-18: 00; Su 10: 30-16: 30; PH 10: 00-17: 00
- Phone: +44 1245 346266
- Roof: Material: Slate
- Toilets: Yes
- Website: Https: //
- Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Location Details
OS Easting (X): | 571068 |
OS Northing (Y): | 206572 |
Latitude (X): | 51.731766 |
Longitude (Y): | 0.475823 |
Postal Area: | CM |
Postal District: | CM2 |
Postal Sector: | CM2 6 |
Nearby Amenities
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