
The Warboys 01487 Area Code (Warboys Dialling Code)

The 01487 area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Warboys area.

The local telephone numbers within the 01487 are 6 digits long.

The correct format in which to write a telephone number from the Warboys area code is (01487) [x][x][x][x][x][x].

Where is the 01487 Area Code?

The Warboys 01487 dialling code is situated in the county of Cambridgeshire in the East of England Region of the UK.

When do I need to use the 01487 Warboys dialling code?

You will need to use a dialling code if you are calling from a mobile phone or a landline outside of the 01487 Warboys dialling code area. If you are calling a local number within the same area code with a landline telephone you do not need to use the 01487 dialling code.

Phoning the 01487 Dialling Code from Outside of the UK

If you are calling from outside of the UK. You will need to add the code for dialling internationally. This varies country to country, followed by the UK country code (44) followed by the area code without the initial zero (1487).

RegionInternational PrefixCountry CodeArea Code
United States and Canada011441487

Map showing the location of the 01487 Warboys Area Code

picture showing the location of the Warboys area code
location of the Warboys area code

Origins of the 01487 Warboys Area Code

Before the 16th April 1995 known as PhONEday which changed telephone area codes by inserting a 1 at the beginning. The area code was 0487.

the historic mnemonic code for the 01487 area was HU7. The first two characters are taken from the letters H and U in HUntingdonshire. On an old rotary dial telephone this was entered by dialling the numbers 4, 8 and 7.

picture showing an old rotary dial for the Warboys area code
An old rotary dial for the Warboys area code.

Map of the 01487 Warboys dialling Code Area

The shaded area on the map represent the estimated extent of the 01487 Warboys phone area code.

The blue icons on the map represent the locations of telephone exchanges serving the 01487 area. Click on an icon for more details

Map of the Warboys area code
Map of the Warboys area code and surrounding areas

Towns and Villages within the Warboys 01487 dialling Code

Holme (Huntingdonshire)
Ramsey (Huntingdonshire)
Somersham (Huntingdonshire)

Known Telephone Exchanges within the Warboys 01487 dialling Code