Pollok - View Bus Routes and Stops
Pollok has 13 bus routes which serve 99 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in Pollok and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in Pollok,
Click on the stop markers for details about the bus stop. Click on lines for details about the bus routes.
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Bus Stops in Pollok
- Pollok Bus Station, Bus, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Pollok Bus Station, Bus, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Shopping Centre, opp, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Shopping Centre, at, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Byrebush Road, opp, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Braidcraft Road, before, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, Stance 7, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, Stance 8, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, Stance 5, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, Stance 6, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, Stance 2, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, Stance 4, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, Stance 3, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Silveburn Bus Station, Stance 1, Silverburn Bus Station, Glasgow
- Currie Hall, At, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Dormanside Road, Near, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Dormanside Road, At, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Linthaugh Terrace, Opp, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Hapland Road, Opp, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Meiklerig Crescent, At, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- St Marnocks Pr School, Opp, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Drums Road, Near, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Drums Road, Opp, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Lochar Crescent, At, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Everton Road, after, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Everton Road, before, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Linthaugh Road, near 101, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Linthaugh Road, opp 101, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Silverburn Bus Station, in, Silverburn Bus Station, Pollok
- Silverburn Shopping Centre, at, Fairchild Avenue, Glasgow
- Braidcraft Terrace, after, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Cornalee Gardens, opp, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Cornalee Gardens, before, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Cornalee Road, Opp, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Cornalee Road, after, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Boydstone Road, after, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Broompark Farm, Opp, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Boydstone Road, before, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Cowglen Golf Course, At, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Cowglen Golf Course, At, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Brockburn Crescent, after, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Brockburn Crescent, Opp, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Swimming pool, Opp, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Damshot Road, before, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Dowrie Crescent, Opp, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Levernside Crescent, after, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Hapland Road, at, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Dowrie Crescent, At, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Neilsland Square, after, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Maidland Road, before, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Maidland Road, opp, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Lyoncross Nursery School, At, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Potterhill Road, Opp, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Potterhill Road, Near, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Meiklerig Crescent, before, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Meiklerig Crescent, opp, Lyoncross Road, Glasgow
- Brockburn Terrace, At, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Waterfoot Avenue, At, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Devol Crescent, At, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Devol Crescent, Opp, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Pollok Inn, opp, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- White Cart Water Bridge, southbound, Corkerhill Road, Glasgow
- White Cart Water Bridge, northbound, Corkerhill Road, Glasgow
- Langton Crescent, at, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Lyoncross Road, after, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Levernside Road, At, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Moyne Road, Opp, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Fairchild Avenue, After, Barrhead Road, Glasgow
- Swimming Pool, Opp, Peat Road, Glasgow
- Swimming Pool, At, Peat Road, Glasgow
- Pollok Bus Station, Bus, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Pollok Bus Station, Bus, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Pollok Bus Station, Bus, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Pollok Bus Station, Bus, Cowglen Road, Glasgow
- Drumcross Road, opp, Levernside Road, Glasgow
- Drumcross Road, before, Levernside Road, Glasgow
- Braidcraft Road, after, Levernside Road, Glasgow
- Langton Road, after, Levernside Road, Glasgow
- Dowrie Crescent, before, Levernside Road, Glasgow
- Hyndal Avenue, after, Levernside Road, Glasgow
- Silverburn Centre, at, Silverburn Centre, Glasgow
- Moyne Road, At, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Crookston Road, At, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Crookston Road, Opp, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Crookston Castle, Opp, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Crookston Castle, At, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Crookston castle School, Opp, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Crookston castle School, At, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Glenside Avenue, near, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Glenside Avenue, opp, Brockburn Road, Glasgow
- Neilsland Square, opp, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- St Marnocks Pr School, At, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Waterfoot Avenue, after, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Waterfoot Avenue, opp, Braidcraft Road, Glasgow
- Linthaugh Road, near 149, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Linthaugh Road, opp 147, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Lyoncross Road, At, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Lyoncross Road, Opp, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow
- Dormanside Road, opp, Linthaugh Road, Glasgow