Ossett - View Bus Routes and Stops
Ossett has 7 bus routes which serve 108 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in Ossett and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in Ossett,
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Bus Stops in Ossett
- Healey Road South St, Healey Road, Ossett
- Springwell Road Swincroft, Springwell Road, Ossett
- New St Intake Lane, New Street, Ossett
- New St Prospect Road, New Street, Ossett
- Headlands Road Marlborough St, Headlands Road, Ossett
- Springwell Road Swincroft, stop, Springwell Road, Ossett
- Broadacre Road Greatfield Rd, before, Broadacre Road, Ossett
- Towngate Longlands Road, Towngate, Ossett
- Towngate Longlands Road, adj, Towngate, Ossett
- Wesley St Ventnor Way, Wesley Street, Ossett
- Pildacre Ln Love Lane, adj, Pildacre Lane, Ossett
- Pildacre Lane Pildacre Brow, Pildacre Lane, Ossett
- The Green Healey Road, The Green, Ossett
- Manor Rd Greystones Drive, stop, Manor Road, Ossett
- Pildacre Lane Pildacre Brow, E bound, Pildacre Lane, Ossett
- Wesley Street Millfields, adj, Wesley Street, Ossett
- Wesley St Westfield Drive, adj, Wesley Street, Ossett
- Kingsway Leeds Road, N bound, Kingsway, Ossett
- Church Street Fearnley Ave, adj, Church Street, Ossett
- Church Street Fearnley Ave, Church Street, Ossett
- Church Street Ashbrook Close, adj, Church Street, Ossett
- Dale St Fire Station, adj, Dale Street, Ossett
- Dale St Fire Station, opp, Dale Street, Ossett
- Dale St Cromwell Place, stop, Dale Street, Ossett
- Bus Station stand D, Stand D, D - Ossett Bus Station - Prospect Road, Ossett
- Bus Station stand A, Stand A, A - Ossett Bus Station - Prospect Road, Ossett
- Bus Station stand B, Stand B, B - Ossett Bus Station - Prospect Road, Ossett
- Bus Station stand C, Stand C, C - Ossett Bus Station - Prospect Road, Ossett
- Storrs Hill Road, S bound, Storrs Hill Road, Healey
- Kingsway Holme Field, opp, Kingsway, Ossett
- Prospect Rd Illingworth Street, opp, Prospect Road, Ossett
- South Parade St Johns Crescent, stop, South Parade, Ossett
- Fairfield Road Fairfield Dr, Fairfield Road, Ossett
- Fairfield Road Fisher Grove, Fairfield Road, Ossett
- Station Rd Lionel Street, Station Road, Ossett
- Station Road Hilda St, Station Road, Ossett
- The Green Manor Road, before, The Green, Ossett
- The Green Manor Road, opp, The Green, Ossett
- Wesley Street Millfields, Wesley Street, Ossett
- Wesley St Westfield Drive, Wesley Street, Ossett
- Prospect Road, Prospect Road, Ossett
- Milner Way, Milner Way, Ossett
- Milner Way, SW bound, Milner Way, Flushdyke
- Storrs Hill Road, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett
- Bus Station stand E, Stand E, E - Ossett Bus Station - Prospect Road, Ossett
- Bus Station stand F, Stand F, F - Ossett Bus Station - Prospect Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Road Flying Horse, before, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Queens Drive Queens Walk, Queen's Drive, Ossett
- The Green Healey Road, adj, The Green, Ossett
- The Green Southdale Road, The Green, Ossett
- Queen Street Queens Cres, Queen Street, Ossett
- Queen Street Queens Terr, Queen Street, Ossett
- Station Road Prospect Rd, Station Road, Ossett
- Station Road Southdale Rd, adj, Station Road, Ossett
- Manor Rd Greystones Drive, Manor Road, Ossett
- Queens Drive Athold St, Queen's Drive, Ossett
- South Parade St Johns Crescent, South Parade, Ossett
- Towngate Prospect Road, Towngate, Ossett
- Dale St Cromwell Place, Dale Street, Ossett
- Fairfield Road Richmond Garth, Fairfield Road, Ossett
- Headlands Road Headlands Grove, Headlands Road, Ossett
- Westfield Drive Westfield Farm, Westfield Drive, Ossett
- New St Intake Lane, stop, New Street, Ossett
- New St Prospect Road, stop, New Street, Ossett
- Queens Drive Hinchcliffe Ave, Queen's Drive, Ossett
- Healey Road South St, stop, Healey Road, Ossett
- Prospect Road, N bound, Prospect Road, Ossett
- Pildacre Ln Love Lane, opp, Pildacre Lane, Ossett
- Horbury Rd South Terrace, Horbury Road, Ossett
- Horbury Road Sowood Grange, Horbury Road, Ossett
- Broadowler Stores Broadacre Rd, opp, Broadacre Road, Ossett
- Queens Drive Teall St, Queen's Drive, Ossett
- Queens Drive Teall St, adj, Queen's Drive, Ossett
- Teall St Queens Drive, Teall Street, Ossett
- Teall St Westwood Road, Teall Street, Ossett
- Teall St Roundwood Road, Teall Street, Ossett
- Teall St Manor Rd, N bound, Teall Street, Ossett
- Kingsway Dale Street, W bound, Kingsway, Ossett
- Station Road Southdale Rd, Station Road, Ossett
- Station Road Lime St, Station Road, Ossett
- Station Rd Queens Drive, Station Road, Ossett
- Queens Drive Athold St, stop, Queen's Drive, Ossett
- Towngate Prospect Road, stop, Towngate, Ossett
- Prospect Rd New Street, at, Prospect Road, Ossett
- Wesley St Ventnor Way, E bound, Wesley Street, Ossett
- Broadowler Stores Broadacre Rd, adj, Broadacre Road, Ossett
- Broadacre Road Broadwell Rd, after, Broadacre Road, Ossett
- Church Street Ashbrook Close, Church Street, Ossett
- Kingsway Deneside, Kingsway, Ossett
- Kingsway Deneside, adj, Kingsway, Ossett
- Kingsway Leeds Road, Kingsway, Ossett
- Dewsbury Road Ashleigh Gdns, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Rd Far Richard Close, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Rd Far Richard Close, adj, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Road Woodbine St, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Road Woodbine St, adj, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Road Wood St, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Road Flying Horse, adj, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Dewsbury Road Ashleigh Gdns, adj, Dewsbury Road, Ossett
- Kingsway Dale Street, Kingsway, Ossett
- Kingsway Crownlands Lane, adj, Kingsway, Ossett
- Kingsway Crownlands Lane, Kingsway, Ossett
- Kingsway Wilman Drive, adj, Kingsway, Ossett
- Kingsway Wilman Drive, Kingsway, Ossett
- Kingsway Holme Field, at, Kingsway, Ossett
- Church Street Field Ln, adj, Church Street, Ossett
- Church Street Field Ln, Church Street, Ossett
- Church Street Gunson Cres, Church Street, Ossett