Lobley Hill - View Bus Routes and Stops
Lobley Hill has 26 bus routes which serve 38 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in Lobley Hill and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in Lobley Hill,
Click on the stop markers for details about the bus stop. Click on lines for details about the bus routes.
![<a href="" target="_blank">Watergate Bank-Lodge, SW-Bound, Watergate Bank, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Watergate Bank-Lodge, NE-Bound, Watergate Bank, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Knightside Gardens-Woodside Gardens, N-Bound, Knightside Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Chiltern Gardens-Oakfield Road, N-Bound, CHILTERN GARDENS, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Emmanuel College, NE-Bound, Lobley Hill Road, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Lobley Hill Road-Rothbury Gardens, W-Bound, Lobley Hill Road, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Lobley Hill Road - Rothbury Gardens, E-Bound, Lobley Hill Road, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Lobley Hill Road-Chiltern Gardens, NE-Bound, Lobley Hill Road, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Chiltern Gardens-Oakfield Road, S-Bound, Chiltern Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Knightside Gardens-Monkridge Gardens, S-Bound, Knightside Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Knightside Gardens-Woodside Gardens, S-Bound, Knightside Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Knightside Gardens - Braeside, W-Bound, Knightside Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Knightside Gardens-Whickham Highway, S-Bound, KNIGHTSIDE GARDENS, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Lobley Hill Road - Beechwood Gardens, W-Bound, Lobley Hill Road, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Whickham Highway-Bracken Drive, SE-Bound, Whickham Highway, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Cragside Gardens, N-Bound, Cragside Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Rothbury Gardens - Meldon Gardens, S-Bound, Rothbury Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Chiltern Gardens, N-Bound, Chiltern Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Cotswold Gardens-Malvern Gardens, N-Bound, Cotswold Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Cotswold Gardens-Moorfoot Gardens, W-Bound, Cotswold Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Malvern Gardens, S-Bound, Malvern Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Malvern Gardens, N-Bound, Malvern Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Moorfoot Gardens, N-Bound, Moorfoot Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Malvern Gardens-Cotswold Gardens, NE-Bound, MALVERN GARDENS, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Chiltern Gardens, S-Bound, Chiltern Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Consett Road-Greens Farm, NE-Bound, Consett Road, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Knightside Gardens-Whickham Highway, N-Bound, KNIGHTSIDE GARDENS, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Knightside Gardens - Woodburn Gardens, N-Bound, KNIGHTSIDE GARDENS, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Beechwood Gardens-Rowanwood Gardens, S-Bound, Beechwood Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Whickham Highway-Knightside Gardens, SE-Bound, Whickham Highway, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Whickham Highway-Knightside Gardens, NW-Bound, WHICKHAM HIGHWAY, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Whickham Highway-The Highwayman, NW-Bound, Whickham Highway, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Beechwood Gardens-Rowanwood Gardens, N-Bound, Beechwood Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Beechwood Gardens-Elderwood Gardens, N-Bound, BEECHWOOD GARDENS, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Consett Road-Ravenswood Lodge, SW-Bound, Consett Road, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Beechwood Gardens-Elderwood Gardens, S-Bound, BEECHWOOD GARDENS, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Alwinton Gardens, W-Bound, Alwinton Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Alwinton Gardens, SE-Bound, Alwinton Gardens, Gateshead, Lobley Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
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