
Speke - View Bus Routes and Stops
Speke has 23 bus routes which serve 139 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in Speke and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in Speke,
Click on the stop markers for details about the bus stop. Click on lines for details about the bus routes.
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Bus Routes in Speke
- 45 - Milton Road - Horrocks Avenue / Hamlin Road
- 82A - Murdishaw Cen. - Liverpool ONE Bus Station
- X4 - Southwood Avenue - Liverpool ONE Bus Station
- 166 - Belle Vale Bus Station - Belle Vale Bus Station
- 188 - Belle Vale Bus Station - Belle Vale Bus Station
- 201 - Northern Road - Pembroke Place / Daulby Street
- 201 - Northern Road - West Derby Street / Crown Street
- 3A - Longmoor Lane/Elmham Crescent - John Lennon Airport
- 500 - John Lennon Airport - John Lennon Airport
- 786A - Central Avenue / Lovel Road - Wood Road / Wood Road
- 786 - Liverpool South Parkway - Wood Road / Wood Road
- 80A - Liverpool ONE Bus Station - John Lennon Airport
- 80 - Liverpool ONE Bus Station - Northern Road
- 81A - Bootle Bus Station - John Lennon Airport
- 81 - Bootle Bus Station - Northern Road
- 82 - Liverpool ONE Bus Station - Northern Road
- 86A - Liverpool ONE Bus Station - Woodend Avenue / Gaskill Road
- 89 - St Helens Bus Station - John Lennon Airport
- 38 - Birchfield Road - Carr Lane
- C45 - Garston - Widnes via Speke, Hale
- 786 - Halewood Academy - South Parkway
- 800 - Speke, Morrisons - Seaforth, Liverpool Freeport
- 881 - Bootle Bus Station - Jaguar Factory, Speke
Bus Stops in Speke
- Oldbridge Road, Adjacent, Central Way, Liverpool, Speke
- Alderfield Drive, adj, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Heathgate Road, adj, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Stirling Road, adj, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Church Road, adj, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Windward Drive, Opposite, Estuary Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Estuary Banks, Adjacent, Estuary Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Leeward Drive, Opposite, Estuary Banks, Liverpool, Speke
- Leeward Drive, Adjacent, Estuary Banks, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Boulevard, Adjacent, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Estuary Banks, Opposite, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Estuary Banks, adj, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Conleach Road, adj, Central Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Harefield Road, Adjacent, Central Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Blackrod Avenue, adj, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Stapleton Avenue, adj, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Tewit Hall Road, Adjacent, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Central Avenue, Adjacent, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Little Heath Road, Adjacent, Central Way, Liverpool, Speke
- Little Heath Road, adj, Central Way, Liverpool, Speke
- Eastern Avenue, adj, Central Way, Liverpool, Speke
- Gerneth Close, S-bound, Gerneth Road, Liverpool, Speke
- New Mersey Retail Park, Outside, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Estuary Boulevard, Adjacent, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- County Boundary, E-bound, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, adj, Speke Hall Avenue
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Stop 1, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, Speke
- Woodend Lane, adj, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Woodend Lane, Opposite, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Delf Lane, Opposite, Speke Hall Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Church Road, adj, Speke Church Road
- Sutton Wood Road, Opposite, All Saints Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Lovel Road, Opposite, Damwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Eastern Avenue, Adjacent, Millwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Dungeon Lane, Adjacent, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Dungeon Lane, Opposite, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Carley Walk, Adjacent, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Carley Walk, Opposite, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Bramley Walk, Opposite, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Bramley Walk, Adjacent, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Stop 3, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, Speke
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Stop 4, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Hall Avenue, Adjacent, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Hall Road, Adjacent, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Woodend Avenue, adj, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Western Avenue, adj, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Church Road, Adjacent, All Saints Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Woodend Lane, SW-bound, Woodend Lane, Liverpool, Speke
- Maintree Crescent, SE-bound, Maintree Crescent, Liverpool, Speke
- Daneswell Road, SW-bound, Daneswell Road
- East.Damwood Road, S-bound, East Damswood Road
- East.Millwood Road, SW-bound, East Millwood Road
- Nutfield Road, E-bound, Nutfield Road
- Morrisons, Stand 4, Millwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Heathgate Avenue, Adjacent, East Dam Wood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Alder Wood Avenue, Adjacent, East Dam Wood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Huttfield Road, adj, East Mill Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Eastmains Avenue, S-bound, Eastmains, Liverpool, Speke
- Elloway Road, W-bound, Elloway Road, Liverpool, Speke
- West Mains Avenue, N-bound, West Mains Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Oak View, Opposite, East Millwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Parade Crescent, Adjacent, South Parade, Liverpool, Speke
- All Saints Road, W-bound, All Saints Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Bray Road, E-bound, Bray Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Maintree Crescent, N-bound, Ramsfield Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Maintree Crescent, S-bound, Ramsfield Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Road, Near, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- New Mersey Shopping Park, nr, Mersey Retail Park, Liverpool, Speke
- Morrisons, Stand 1, Penketh Drive, Liverpool, Speke
- Ganworth Road, E-bound, Ganworth Road
- Critchley Road, adj, East Dam Wood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Millway Road, adj, East Millwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Bray Road, E-bound, Bray Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Conleach Road, Opposite, Dam Wood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Morrisons, Stand 2, Penketh Drive, Liverpool, Speke
- All Hallows Drive, Opposite, Millwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Damwood Road, W-bound, Damwood Road
- Gerneth Road, N-bound, Gerneth Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Belsford Way, N-bound, Colworth Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Town Lane, W-bound, Speke Town Lane, Liverpool, Speke
- Oldbridge Road, Adjacent, Millwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Parade Crescent, Opposite, South Parade, Liverpool, Speke
- Gaskill Road, Opposite, Woodend Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Heath Gate Avenue, Adjacent, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Stop 5, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, Speke
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Stop 2, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, Speke
- Central Way, adj, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Alder Wood Avenue, Adjacent, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Alder Wood Avenue, Adjacent, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Mill Wood Road, Adjacent, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- County Boundary, N-bound, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Tonbridge Close, N-bound, Dymchurch Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Rycot Road, W-bound, Rycot Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Entrance, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Ganworth Road, N-bound, Ganworth Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Conleach Road, nr, North Parade, Liverpool, Speke
- Conleach Road, S-bound, Conleach Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Conleach Road, N-bound, Conleach Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Ganworth Road, S-bound, Ganworth Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Damwood Road, W-bound, Damwood Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Morrisons, Stand 3, Penketh Drive, Liverpool, Speke
- Delf Lane, Adjacent, Speke Hall Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Shaw Road, opp, Woodend Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Shaw Lane, adj, Woodend Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- East Mill Wood Road, Adjacent, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Shaw Road, N-bound, Shaw Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Shaw Road, S-bound, Shaw Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Gaskill Road, Adjacent, Woodend Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- County Boundary, N-bound, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Lovel Road, adj, Central Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Lovel Road, adj, Central Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Hale Drive, adj, Eastern Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Dakota Drive, adj, Dakota Drive, Liverpool, Speke
- Dakota Drive, adj, Dakota Drive, Liverpool, Speke
- Estuary Business Park, Near, Estuary Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Estuary Business Park, Near, Estuary Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Blackburne Street, adj, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Vineyard Street, Opposite, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Vineyard Street, Adjacent, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Hall Car Park, adj, The Walk, Liverpool, Speke
- Speke Hall, SW-bound, The Walk
- Banks Road, adj, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- New Mersey Shopping Park, Opposite, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- New Mersey Shopping Park, Outside, Speke Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Estuary Banks, nr, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Cartwrights Farm Road, nr, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Western Avenue, Taxi Rank, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Longman Drive, Adjacent, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Evans Road, Adjacent, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, Speke
- Bray Road, adj, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Tarbock Road, adj, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Western Avenue, adj, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Dunlop Road, Adjacent, Hale Road, Liverpool, Speke
- Hale Road, Adjacent, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Damwood Road, adj, Western Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Dunlop Road, Near, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Dunlop Road, Near, Speke Hall Avenue, Liverpool, Speke
- Oldbridge Road, adj, Central Way, Liverpool, Speke
- Liverpool John Lennon Airport, -