Charford - View Bus Routes and Stops
Charford has 6 bus routes which serve 46 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in Charford and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in Charford,
Click on the stop markers for details about the bus stop. Click on lines for details about the bus routes.
![<a href="" target="_blank">Miller Close, opp, Austin Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Wheatridge Road, Adj, Austin Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Foxwalks Avenue, NE bound, Foxwalks Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">St. Peters First School, entrance, Charford Rd</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Wheatridge Road, opp, Austin Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">South Bromsgrove High School, entrance, Charford Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Humphrey Avenue, opp, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Alderley Road, Adj, Alderley Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Puddle Wharf, adj, Worcester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Puddle Wharf, Opp, Worcester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Stoke Turn, Adj, Worcester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Greyhound, Adj, Rock Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Hastings Road, adj, Austin Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Charford First School, adj, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Foxwalks Avenue, SE bound, Foxwalks Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Bromsgrove- Worcester Road, Opp, Rock Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Greyhound Inn, Adj, Rock Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Miller Close, Adj, Austin Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Austin Road Shops, adj, Austin Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Humphrey Avenue Shops, adj, Humphrey Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Humphrey Avenue Shops, opp, Humphrey Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Millfield Road, Adj, Millfield Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Fox Lane, Adj, Fox lane</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Edwin Crescent, Adj, Edwin Crescent</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Dovecote Road, adj, Millfield Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Dovecote Road, Adj, Dovecote Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Humphrey Avenue, adj, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Cobham Close, opp, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Cobham Close, Adj, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Wintour Walk, opp, Gilbert Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Charford Road, Adj, Charford Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Charford Road, SE bound, Charford Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Charford Road, NW bound, Charford Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Bredon Road, Adj, Rock Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Bredon Road, Opp, Rock Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Stoke Turn, Opp, Rock Hill</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Break Back Road, Adj, Break Back Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Wintour Walk, adj, Gilbert Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">STOP CODE NOT USED, STOP CODE NOT USED, STOP CODE NOT USED</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Austin Road, near, Austin Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Austin Road, Opp, Housman Close</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Housman Close, Opp, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">St Andrews Church, Opp, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">St Andrews Church, Adj, Lyttleton Avenue</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Wheatridge Rd- opp Tythe Barn Close, Adj, Wheatridge Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Barley Croft, Opp, Wheatridge Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
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