King's Lynn - View Bus Routes and Stops
King's Lynn has 33 bus routes which serve 105 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in King's Lynn and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in King's Lynn,
Click on the stop markers for details about the bus stop. Click on lines for details about the bus routes.
Connected Localities
- Gaywood
- South Lynn
- West Lynn
- Fairstead King's Lynn
- Gaywood Park
- North Lynn
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn
Neighbouring Areas
Bus Routes in King's Lynn
- A - Peterborough - Norwich
- B - Peterborough - Norwich
- C - Peterborough - Norwich
- 88 - Thetford Bus Interchange - Kings Lynn
- 33 - Kings Lynn - Docking - Hunstanton
- 34 - King's Lynn - Heacham - Hunstanton
- 35 - King's Lynn - Heacham - Hunstanton
- 36 - King's Lynn - Hunstanton - Fakenham
- 37 - King's Lynn - Downham Market - Southery
- 38 - King's Lynn - West Winch - Fair Green
- 39 - King's Lynn - West Winch - Marham
- 41 - King's Lynn - QE Hospital - King's Reach
- 42 - King's Lynn - Gaywood - Fairstead
- 43 - North Wootton - Wootton Road - Gaywood
- 46 - King's Lynn - St Germans - Wisbech
- 48 - King's Lynn - Grimston - Fakenham
- 49A - King's Lynn - Grimston - Fakenham
- 49 - King's Lynn - Grimston - Fakenham
- 54A - King's Lynn - West Lynn - Terrington High School
- 54 - King's Lynn - Tilney All Saints - Walpole St Peter
- X46 - Wisbech - St Germans - King's Lynn
- 2 - King's Lynn - Loke Road - North Lynn [Go to Town]
- 32 - Mileham - Swaffham - King's Lynn [Go to Town]
- 3H - Kings Lynn - Bus Station - South Lynn & South Wootton Loop
- 3 - King's Lynn - Reffley - North Wootton [Go to Town]
- 413 - Wolferton - North Wootton - Springwood High School [Go to Town]
- 47 - Downham Market - Magdalen - King's Lynn [Go to Town]
- 4 - King's Lynn - Gaywood - North Lynn [Go to Town]
- 5 - King's Lynn - Gaywood - Gaywood Park [Go to Town]
- 89 - Thetford - Brandon - King's Lynn
- 505A - Kings Lynn - Spalding
- 505B - Kings Lynn - Spalding
- 505 - Kings Lynn - Spalding
Bus Stops in King's Lynn
- Bergen Way, opp, Edward Benefer Way
- Hamburg Way, opp, Edward Benefer Way
- Bergen Way, adj, Edward Benefer Way
- Lilac Wood, opp, Fenland Road
- Grafton Road, opp, Fenland Road
- Kings Lynn Rail Station, entrance, Blackfriars Road
- Stonegate Street, adj, Millfleet
- Empire Avenue, adj, Wootton Road
- Portland Street, Bay 1, Portland Street
- Portland Street, Bay 2, Portland Street
- Portland Street, Bay 3, Portland Street
- Mount Street, adj, Tennyson Road
- Mount Street, opp, Tennyson Road
- Hamburg Way, adj, Edward Benefer Way
- Hamburg Way, S-bound, Hamburg Way
- King Edward VII School, adj, Gaywood Road
- Springwood High School, adj, Queensway
- Elvington Road, opp, Gayton Road
- Scania Way, opp, Oldmedow Road
- Railway Station, adj, Blackfriars Road
- Hardwick Tesco, opp, Hardwick Road
- Mill Lane, opp, Wootton Road
- Sainsburys, adj, Entrance
- Health Centre, adj, Gayton Road
- Health Centre, opp, Gayton Road
- Kent Road, adj, Gayton Road
- Queensway, opp, Gayton Road
- Queensway, adj, Gayton Road
- Millfleet, opp, London Road
- Millfleet, adj, London Road
- Extons Road, adj, Goodwins Road
- Extons Road, opp, Goodwins Road
- Thomas Street, adj, Vancouver Avenue
- Thomas Street, opp, Vancouver Avenue
- Austin Fields, adj, John Kennedy Road
- Elvington Road, adj, Gayton Road
- Railway Road, adj, Railway Road
- Retail Park, opp, Edward Benefer Way
- Columbia Way, adj, Columbia Way
- Transport Interchange, Stand H, Forecourt
- Transport Interchange, Stand E, Forecourt
- Paxman Road, adj, Hansa Road
- Social Club, adj, Dawnay Avenue
- Ffolkes Drive, opp, Ffolkes Drive
- Transport Interchange, Stand A, Forecourt
- Cemetery Lodge, adj, Hardwick Road
- Cemetery Lodge, opp, Hardwick Road
- Retail Park, adj, Edward Benefer Way
- Railway Station, adj, Blackfriars Road
- College of West Anglia, adj, Tennyson Avenue
- Carters Close, opp, Spenser Road
- The Woolpack, adj, Gaywood Road
- Highgate School, adj, Gaywood Road
- St Katherines Court, adj, Gaywood Road
- Kettlewell Lane, adj, Littleport Street
- Transport Interchange, Stand F, Forecourt
- Transport Interchange, Stand G, Forecourt
- Paxman Road, opp, Hansa Road
- Chadwick Square, opp, Front Way
- Southgate Street, adj, London Road
- Southgate Street, opp, London Road
- Empire Avenue, opp, Wootton Road
- King's Lynn Ferry Landing, entrance, Ferry Lane
- Kings Lynn Rail Station, entrance, Blackfriars Road
- Hamburg Way, N-bound, Hamburg Way
- Spenser Road, opp, Spenser Road
- Clifton Road, adj, Spenser Road
- Transport Interchange Car Park, adj, Clough Lane
- Scania Way, adj, Oldmedow Road
- Lavender Road, opp, Wootton Road
- Rosebery Avenue, adj, Wootton Road
- Rosebery Avenue, opp, Wootton Road
- Beulah Street, opp, Wootton Road
- Beulah Street, adj, Wootton Road
- Marsh Lane, opp, Wootton Road
- Marsh Lane, adj, Wootton Road
- Mill Lane, adj, Wootton Road
- Hardwick Tesco, adj, Hardwick Road
- King Edward VII School, opp, Gaywood Road
- Princes Way, adj, Tennyson Avenue
- Princes Way, opp, Tennyson Avenue
- Lilac Wood, adj, Fenland Road
- Spring Close, adj, Reffley Lane
- Mill Lane, adj, Mill Lane
- Baldock Drive, opp, Suffield Way
- Reeves Avenue, adj, Baldock Drive
- Penrose Close, adj, Reeves Avenue
- Reeves Avenue, opp, Suffield Way
- Suffield Way, adj, Marsh Lane
- Spenser Road, o/s 13, Spenser Road
- Austin Fields, opp, John Kennedy Road
- Lavender Road, adj, Wootton Road
- McDonalds layby, adj, Hardwick Road
- Transport Interchange, Stand B, Forecourt
- Transport Interchange, Stand C, Forecourt
- Transport Interchange, Stand D, Forecourt
- Sandpiper Way, adj, Nar Ouse Way
- Sandpiper Way, opp, Nar Ouse Way
- Reeves Avenue, opp, Reeves Avenue
- Clifford Burman, opp, Spenser Road
- Hillington Square, adj, Stonegate
- Suffield Way, adj, Suffield Way
- Kings Lynn Rail Station, -
- King's Lynn Ferry Landing, Ferry Street
- King's Lynn Ferry Landing, quay, Ferry Street