Charlton Kings - View Bus Routes and Stops
Charlton Kings has 7 bus routes which serve 29 bus stops. This page lists the bus stops and bus routes in Charlton Kings and displays them on a map. If you want to find out more details and view bus times or timetables click on a link.
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Interactive Map of Bus Routes and Stops in Charlton Kings,
Click on the stop markers for details about the bus stop. Click on lines for details about the bus routes.
![<a href="" target="_blank">St Edwards School Grounds, in</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">School Road, nr, Church Street</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Chestnut Walk, after, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Chestnut Walk, before, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">St Edward's School, opp, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Sappercombe Lane, opp, Little Herbert's Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Clock Tower, opp, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Clock Tower, after, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Garden Road, before, Bradley Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Bradley Road, on</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Six Ways Shops, opp, London Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Copt Elm Close, opp, Copt Elm Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Copt Elm Close, after, Copt Elm Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Six Ways Shops, o/s, London Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Lexham Lodge Hospital, opp, London Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Lexham Lodge Hospital, by, London Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Holy Apostles Church, nr, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Beeches Road, opp, Little Herbert's Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Croft Road School stop, by</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Croft Road School stop, nr</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">School Road, after, Church Street</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">St Mary's Church, opp, Horsefair Street</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Spring Bridge, by, London Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Cooper's Court, o/s, Church Street</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Nisa, o/s, Copt Elm Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Post Office, after, Lyefield Road West</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">St Edward's School, o/s, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Sainsburys Local, opp, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
![<a href="" target="_blank">Sainsburys Local, after, Cirencester Road</a>](marker-icon.png)
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