GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Chancery Lane Underground Station (Travelling ) Bus Stop in Chancery Lane Holborn

The Chancery Lane Underground Station Bus Stop in Chancery Lane which is a region of Holborn .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is WC1V 6D, which is 22.50 metres away.

Map of the Chancery Lane Underground Station Bus Stop

Chancery Lane Underground Station Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Chancery Lane Underground Station is a Bus Stop in Chancery Lane

Bus Stop Latitude:51.51828954
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.11201371
Bus Stop Eastings:531093
Bus Stop Northings:181619
Unitary Authority Area:National - National Tram
Region:Great Britain
Parent Locality:Holborn
Bus Stop NaptanCode:
Bus Stop AtcoCode:9400ZZLUCHL2

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