GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Brightons Quarry Brae (Travelling South) Opp Playground Bus Stop in East side of Quarry Brae Brightons

The Brightons Quarry Brae Bus Stop is located on East side of Quarry Brae in Brightons .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the Brightons Quarry Brae Bus Stop


Brightons Quarry Brae is a Bus Stop in Brightons

Street:East side of Quarry Brae
Landmark:North of Ercall Road
Bus Stop Latitude:55.97969235
Bus Stop Longitude:-3.71457330
Bus Stop Eastings:293111
Bus Stop Northings:677628
Unitary Authority Area:Falkirk
Indicator:Opp Playground
Bus Stop NaptanCode:3252356
Bus Stop AtcoCode:66902601003

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