GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Kestrel Crescent (Travelling North) before Bus Stop in Finch Road Greenock

The Kestrel Crescent Bus Stop is located on Finch Road in Greenock .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is PA16 7B, which is 14.09 metres away.

Map of the Kestrel Crescent Bus Stop


Kestrel Crescent is a Bus Stop in Greenock

Street:Finch Road
Landmark:Kestrel Crescent
Bus Stop Latitude:55.94885310
Bus Stop Longitude:-4.79578309
Bus Stop Eastings:225522
Bus Stop Northings:676399
Unitary Authority Area:Inverclyde
Bus Stop NaptanCode:4682527
Bus Stop AtcoCode:6130641

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