GeoPunk Bus Timetables

The Paddock (Travelling North West) before Bus Stop in East Kilbride Road Busby

The The Paddock Bus Stop is located on East Kilbride Road in Busby .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is G76 8DU, which is 14.96 metres away.

Map of the The Paddock Bus Stop


The Paddock is a Bus Stop in Busby

Street:East Kilbride Road
Landmark:The Paddock
Bus Stop Latitude:55.78097572
Bus Stop Longitude:-4.26327425
Bus Stop Eastings:258155
Bus Stop Northings:656503
Unitary Authority Area:East Renfrewshire
Bus Stop NaptanCode:3732324
Bus Stop AtcoCode:6120300

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Nearby Bus Stops in the BUSBY- EAST KILBRIDE RD/THE PADDOCK Stop Area

Clustered On-Street Bus Stops

Buses that call at this Stop

6: Calderwood, Bosworth Rd - Clydebank Business Park

6: Calderwood, Bosworth Rd - Clydebank Business Park

6: Calderwood, Bosworth Rd - Clydebank Business Park


6: Calderwood, Bosworth Rd - Clydebank Business Park