GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Notts Gardens (Travelling South West) after Bus Stop in Penlan Crescent Cwm Donkin

The Notts Gardens Bus Stop is located on Penlan Crescent in Cwm Donkin which is a region of Swansea .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the Notts Gardens Bus Stop


Notts Gardens is a Bus Stop in Cwm Donkin

Street:Penlan Crescent
Landmark:Cwmdonkin Park Lodge
Bus Stop Latitude:51.62247593
Bus Stop Longitude:-3.97116362
Bus Stop Eastings:263642
Bus Stop Northings:193358
Unitary Authority Area:Swansea
Bus Stop NaptanCode:swamtjg
Bus Stop AtcoCode:5810AWC52322

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