GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Salisbury Hall Sainsbury's (Travelling North) Stop CB Bus Stop in --- Highams Park London

The Salisbury Hall Sainsbury's Bus Stop is located on --- at the crossing with -- in Highams Park which is a region of Woodford .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is IG8 9QS, which is 19.68 metres away.

Map of the Salisbury Hall Sainsbury's Bus Stop


Salisbury Hall Sainsbury's is a Bus Stop in Highams Park

Bus Stop Latitude:51.60368801
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.02067322
Bus Stop Eastings:537173
Bus Stop Northings:191283
Unitary Authority Area:Greater London
Indicator:Stop CB
Parent Locality:London
Bus Stop NaptanCode:76582
Bus Stop AtcoCode:490011866N2

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Nearby Bus Stops in the Salisbury Hall Sainsbury's Stop Area

Clustered On-Street Bus Stops

Buses that call at this Stop

657: Crooked Billet, Sainsbury's - Chingford Mount - Chingford Hatch - Woodford Green - Woodford Wells, Bancroft's School


657: Crooked Billet, Sainsbury's - Chingford Mount - Chingford Hatch - Woodford Green - Woodford Wells, Bancroft's School

385: Chingford Station - Valley Side - Waltham Way - Chingford Mount - Crooked Billet, Sainsbury's

385: Chingford Station - Valley Side - Waltham Way - Chingford Mount - Crooked Billet, Sainsbury's


397: Crooked Billet, Sainsbury's - Endlebury Road- Chingford - Woodford Wells - Debden

397: Crooked Billet, Sainsbury's - Endlebury Road- Chingford - Woodford Wells - Debden
