GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Middle School (Travelling North West) Bus Stop in Kirkburton Middle School Grounds Kirkburton Huddersfield

The Middle School Bus Stop is located on Kirkburton Middle School Grounds at the crossing with Turnshaw Avenue in Kirkburton which is a region of Huddersfield .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is HD8 8AD, which is 19.19 metres away.

Map of the Middle School Bus Stop


Middle School is a Bus Stop in Kirkburton

Street:Kirkburton Middle School Grounds
Crossing:Turnshaw Avenue
Landmark:Kirkburton Middle School
Bus Stop Latitude:53.61352953
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.69753016
Bus Stop Eastings:420108
Bus Stop Northings:413040
Unitary Authority Area:West Yorkshire
Parent Locality:Huddersfield
Bus Stop NaptanCode:4502509
Bus Stop AtcoCode:450025099

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Buses that call at this Stop

KM2: Shepley Back Bull - Kirkburton Middle School

KM2: Shepley Back Bull - Kirkburton Middle School
