GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Brown Royd Avenue Community Centre (Travelling South West) adj Bus Stop in Brown Royd Avenue Rawthorpe Huddersfield

The Brown Royd Avenue Community Centre Bus Stop is located on Brown Royd Avenue at the crossing with Twixt Nether Crescent & Dalton Fold in Rawthorpe which is a region of Huddersfield .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is HD5 9QA, which is 47.35 metres away.

Map of the Brown Royd Avenue Community Centre Bus Stop

Brown Royd Avenue Community Centre Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Brown Royd Avenue Community Centre is a Bus Stop in Rawthorpe

Street:Brown Royd Avenue
Crossing:Twixt Nether Crescent & Dalton Fold
Landmark:Community Centre
Bus Stop Latitude:53.65529669
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.76062839
Bus Stop Eastings:415918
Bus Stop Northings:417671
Unitary Authority Area:West Yorkshire
Parent Locality:Huddersfield
Bus Stop NaptanCode:4502039
Bus Stop AtcoCode:450020391

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Nearby Bus Stops in the Brownroyd Avenue at Edge Hill Close Stop Area

Clustered On-Street Bus Stops

Buses that call at this Stop

K71: Bradley Mills - Netherhall Learning Campus

K72: Bradley Alandale Road - Netherhall Learning Campus
