GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Harewood Mount Grove Rise (Travelling South East) Bus Stop in Harewood Mount Chequerfield Pontefract

The Harewood Mount Grove Rise Bus Stop is located on Harewood Mount at the crossing with At Grove Rise in Chequerfield which is a region of Pontefract .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is WF8 2ER, which is 52.75 metres away.

Map of the Harewood Mount Grove Rise Bus Stop


Harewood Mount Grove Rise is a Bus Stop in Chequerfield

Street:Harewood Mount
Crossing:At Grove Rise
Bus Stop Latitude:53.68956003
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.29981732
Bus Stop Eastings:446336
Bus Stop Northings:421684
Unitary Authority Area:West Yorkshire
Parent Locality:Pontefract
Bus Stop NaptanCode:4501834
Bus Stop AtcoCode:450018340

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