GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Solway Road Kinnaid Close (Travelling North East) near Bus Stop in Solway Road Soothill Batley

The Solway Road Kinnaid Close Bus Stop is located on Solway Road at the crossing with Kinnaird Close in Soothill which is a region of Batley .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is WF17 6H, which is 38.19 metres away.

Map of the Solway Road Kinnaid Close Bus Stop

Solway Road Kinnaid Close Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Solway Road Kinnaid Close is a Bus Stop in Soothill

Street:Solway Road
Crossing:Kinnaird Close
Bus Stop Latitude:53.71624779
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.61347129
Bus Stop Eastings:425607
Bus Stop Northings:424495
Unitary Authority Area:West Yorkshire
Parent Locality:Batley
Bus Stop NaptanCode:4501615
Bus Stop AtcoCode:450016153

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