GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Farfield Avenue Orleans St (Travelling West) adj Bus Stop in Farfield Avenue Buttershaw Bradford

The Farfield Avenue Orleans St Bus Stop is located on Farfield Avenue at the crossing with At Orleans Street in Buttershaw which is a region of Bradford .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is BD6 2EX, which is 60.48 metres away.

Map of the Farfield Avenue Orleans St Bus Stop


Farfield Avenue Orleans St is a Bus Stop in Buttershaw

Street:Farfield Avenue
Crossing:At Orleans Street
Landmark:Buttershaw Primary School
Bus Stop Latitude:53.76007337
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.79589109
Bus Stop Eastings:413554
Bus Stop Northings:429321
Unitary Authority Area:West Yorkshire
Parent Locality:Bradford
Bus Stop NaptanCode:4501538
Bus Stop AtcoCode:450015381

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Nearby Bus Stops in the Farefield Avenue at Fleece Street Stop Area

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Buses that call at this Stop

LC1: Wibsey Park Ave - Lightcliffe Academy

LC1: Wibsey Park Ave - Lightcliffe Academy

NH13: Northowram Newlands Grove - North Halifax Grammar School


NH13: Northowram Newlands Grove - North Halifax Grammar School