GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Bennetts Rd South (Travelling East) after Bus Stop in LOWE RD Whitmore Park Coventry

The Bennetts Rd South Bus Stop is located on LOWE RD in Whitmore Park which is a region of Coventry .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the Bennetts Rd South Bus Stop


Bennetts Rd South is a Bus Stop in Whitmore Park

Street:LOWE RD
Bus Stop Latitude:52.44090781
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.53081886
Bus Stop Eastings:431990
Bus Stop Northings:282652
Unitary Authority Area:West Midlands
Region:West Midlands
Parent Locality:Coventry
Bus Stop NaptanCode:nwmtptm
Bus Stop AtcoCode:43001549301

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