The Balsall St Bus Stop is located on STATION RD in Needlers End which is a region of Solihull .
The nearest post code to this bus stop is CV7 7PU, which is 79.36 metres away.
Balsall St is a Bus Stop in Needlers End
Street: | STATION RD |
Town: | SOLIHULL |
Bus Stop Latitude: | 52.38761480 |
Bus Stop Longitude: | -1.65971622 |
Bus Stop Eastings: | 423256 |
Bus Stop Northings: | 276675 |
Unitary Authority Area: | West Midlands |
Region: | West Midlands |
Indicator: | |
Bearing: | N |
Parent Locality: | Solihull |
Bus Stop NaptanCode: | nwmadgt |
Bus Stop AtcoCode: | 43000103602 |
Next Stop | adj, Shenstone Drive, BALSALL STREET, Needlers End |
Previous Stop | after, Burberry Grove, STATION RD, Needlers End |
Days | Monday |
Times | 10:44 |
Notes |