GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Badby Leys (Travelling North West) Opp Bus Stop in Orson Leys Hillside Estate Rugby

The Badby Leys Bus Stop is located on Orson Leys in Hillside Estate which is a region of Rugby .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is CV22 5R, which is 67.15 metres away.

Map of the Badby Leys Bus Stop


Badby Leys is a Bus Stop in Hillside Estate

Street:Orson Leys
Bus Stop Latitude:52.35471877
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.26867746
Bus Stop Eastings:449906
Bus Stop Northings:273213
Unitary Authority Area:Warwickshire
Region:West Midlands
Parent Locality:Rugby
Bus Stop NaptanCode:wardmdj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:4200F156511

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Buses that call at this Stop

9|Flexibus: Lime Tree Village - Hillside - Rugby - Clifton - Coton Park
