GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Wharf Lane (Travelling North West) Adj Bus Stop in Old Warwick Road Hockley Heath Solihull

The Wharf Lane Bus Stop is located on Old Warwick Road at the crossing with Wharf Lane in Hockley Heath which is a region of Solihull .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is CV35 8J, which is 58.09 metres away.

Map of the Wharf Lane Bus Stop

Wharf Lane Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Wharf Lane is a Bus Stop in Hockley Heath

Street:Old Warwick Road
Crossing:Wharf Lane
Bus Stop Latitude:52.34578685
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.76449666
Bus Stop Eastings:416140
Bus Stop Northings:271994
Unitary Authority Area:Warwickshire
Region:West Midlands
Parent Locality:Solihull
Bus Stop NaptanCode:waratmd
Bus Stop AtcoCode:4200F085000

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Buses that call at this Stop

513: Solihull - Norton Lindsey Flexibus Service
