GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Gate Lane (Travelling South) Jcn Bus Stop in Coventry Road Nether Whitacre

The Gate Lane Bus Stop is located on Coventry Road in Nether Whitacre .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is B78 2AN, which is 76.13 metres away.

Map of the Gate Lane Bus Stop

Gate Lane Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Gate Lane is a Bus Stop in Nether Whitacre

Street:Coventry Road
Bus Stop Latitude:52.53084738
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.66091068
Bus Stop Eastings:423100
Bus Stop Northings:292607
Unitary Authority Area:Warwickshire
Region:West Midlands
Bus Stop NaptanCode:waratpa
Bus Stop AtcoCode:4200F044501

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Buses that call at this Stop

216|Flexibus: Coleshill - Whitacre Heath - Lea Marston - Tamworth
