GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Yew Tree Bottom Road (Travelling North) N-bound Bus Stop in Rose Bushes Nork Banstead

The Yew Tree Bottom Road Bus Stop is located on Rose Bushes in Nork which is a region of Banstead .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is KT18 5L, which is 40.24 metres away.

Map of the Yew Tree Bottom Road Bus Stop

Yew Tree Bottom Road Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Yew Tree Bottom Road is a Bus Stop in Nork

Street:Rose Bushes
Landmark:Yew Tree Bottom Road
Town:Great Burgh
Bus Stop Latitude:51.31693824
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.23684545
Bus Stop Eastings:522971
Bus Stop Northings:159012
Unitary Authority Area:Surrey
Region:South East
Parent Locality:Banstead
Bus Stop NaptanCode:surdjta
Bus Stop AtcoCode:40004409226A

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Nearby Bus Stops in the Yew Tree Bottom Road Stop Area

Clustered On-Street Bus Stops

Buses that call at this Stop

408: Epsom - Leatherhead - Cobham

615: Chipstead Valley - Banstead - Epsom - St Andrew's
