GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Sir John Leman High School (Travelling West) o/s Bus Stop in Ashmans Road Beccles

The Sir John Leman High School Bus Stop is located on Ashmans Road in Beccles .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is NR34 9P, which is 75.67 metres away.

Map of the Sir John Leman High School Bus Stop


Sir John Leman High School is a Bus Stop in Beccles

Street:Ashmans Road
Bus Stop Latitude:52.45190865
Bus Stop Longitude:1.55796081
Bus Stop Eastings:641853
Bus Stop Northings:289726
Unitary Authority Area:Suffolk
Bus Stop NaptanCode:sufjpmg
Bus Stop AtcoCode:390071006

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Buses that call at this Stop

SJL5: Carlton Colville - Sir John Leman School

SJL6: Reydon/Southwold - Brampton - Sir John Leman School

SJL9: Reydon - Wangford - Wrentham - Sir John Leman School
