GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Chaukers Crescent (Travelling North) opp Bus Stop in Beccles Road Oulton Broad Lowestoft

The Chaukers Crescent Bus Stop is located on Beccles Road in Oulton Broad which is a region of Lowestoft .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is NR33 9P, which is 57.88 metres away.

Map of the Chaukers Crescent Bus Stop

Chaukers Crescent Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Chaukers Crescent is a Bus Stop in Oulton Broad

Street:Beccles Road
Bus Stop Latitude:52.46425601
Bus Stop Longitude:1.69660554
Bus Stop Eastings:651200
Bus Stop Northings:291572
Unitary Authority Area:Suffolk
Parent Locality:Lowestoft
Bus Stop NaptanCode:sufjdaj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:390070736

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Buses that call at this Stop

982: East Norfolk Sixth Form College - Lowestoft

SJL2: Lowestoft - Carlton Colville - Sir John Leman School

SJL2: Lowestoft - Carlton Colville - Sir John Leman School


SJL3: Oulton Broad - Sir John Leman School

SJL7: Oulton Broad - Sir John Leman School