GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Drayton Manor Park (Travelling North) Adj Bus Stop in Coleshill Rd Fazeley Tamworth

The Drayton Manor Park Bus Stop is located on Coleshill Rd in Fazeley which is a region of Tamworth .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is B78 3FF, which is 136.76 metres away.

Map of the Drayton Manor Park Bus Stop


Drayton Manor Park is a Bus Stop in Fazeley

Street:Coleshill Rd
Landmark:Drayton Manor Park
Bus Stop Latitude:52.60654770
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.70687097
Bus Stop Eastings:419948
Bus Stop Northings:301014
Unitary Authority Area:Staffordshire
Region:West Midlands
Parent Locality:Tamworth
Bus Stop NaptanCode:stadmta
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3800C406900

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Buses that call at this Stop

R15: Drayton Bassett - Rawlett School
