GeoPunk Bus Timetables

New Close Lane (Travelling South East) adj Bus Stop in Great North Road Barnsdale Bar

The New Close Lane Bus Stop is located on Great North Road at the crossing with New Close Lane in Barnsdale Bar .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Seating / Benchyes
Bus Shelteryes

Map of the New Close Lane Bus Stop


New Close Lane is a Bus Stop in Barnsdale Bar

Street:Great North Road
Crossing:New Close Lane
Landmark:A1 Southbound
Bus Stop Latitude:53.60733742
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.22170985
Bus Stop Eastings:451594
Bus Stop Northings:412590
Unitary Authority Area:South Yorkshire
Bus Stop NaptanCode:3704549
Bus Stop AtcoCode:370045490

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