GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Victoria Street (Travelling North East) adj Bus Stop in Lordens Hill Dinnington

The Victoria Street Bus Stop is located on Lordens Hill at the crossing with Victoria Street in Dinnington .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is S25 2SF, which is 109.00 metres away.

Map of the Victoria Street Bus Stop


Victoria Street is a Bus Stop in Dinnington

Street:Lordens Hill
Crossing:Victoria Street
Landmark:Opp Leicester Rd
Bus Stop Latitude:53.36962008
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.20216635
Bus Stop Eastings:453183
Bus Stop Northings:386158
Unitary Authority Area:South Yorkshire
Bus Stop NaptanCode:3703521
Bus Stop AtcoCode:370035212

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Nearby Bus Stops in the Lordens Hill - The Crescent Stop Area

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Buses that call at this Stop

X5: Sheffield City Centre - Maltby
