GeoPunk Bus Timetables

The Fox and Hounds (Travelling North West) opp Bus Stop in Bull's Quarr Tytherington

The The Fox and Hounds Bus Stop is located on Bull's Quarr in Tytherington .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is BA14 8H, which is 28.22 metres away.

Map of the The Fox and Hounds Bus Stop

The Fox and Hounds Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

The Fox and Hounds is a Bus Stop in Tytherington

Street:Bull's Quarr
Bus Stop Latitude:51.20546026
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.33142158
Bus Stop Eastings:376943
Bus Stop Northings:145191
Unitary Authority Area:Somerset
Region:South West
Bus Stop NaptanCode:sotdjtp
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3600SOB21900

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