GeoPunk Bus Timetables

The Lamb and Lion Inn (Travelling North East) NE-bound Bus Stop in Hambridge

The The Lamb and Lion Inn Bus Stop in Hambridge .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is TA19 9D, which is 119.16 metres away.

Map of the The Lamb and Lion Inn Bus Stop


The Lamb and Lion Inn is a Bus Stop in Hambridge

Bus Stop Latitude:50.99124958
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.86267760
Bus Stop Eastings:339550
Bus Stop Northings:121671
Unitary Authority Area:Somerset
Region:South West
Bus Stop NaptanCode:sotatjw
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3600SOB20473

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Buses that call at this Stop

624: Bridgwater College - Ilminster - Chard
