GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Kestrel Drive Jct (Travelling South West) adj Bus Stop in Alberbury Drive Sundorne Shrewsbury

The Kestrel Drive Jct Bus Stop is located on Alberbury Drive in Sundorne which is a region of Shrewsbury .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is SY1 4TQ, which is 70.17 metres away.

Map of the Kestrel Drive Jct Bus Stop


Kestrel Drive Jct is a Bus Stop in Sundorne

Street:Alberbury Drive
Landmark:Kestrel Drive Junction
Bus Stop Latitude:52.73445041
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.71291532
Bus Stop Eastings:351959
Bus Stop Northings:315440
Unitary Authority Area:Shropshire
Region:West Midlands
Parent Locality:Shrewsbury
Bus Stop NaptanCode:shramgj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3500B124201

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Buses that call at this Stop

24: Shrewsbury Bus Stn - Sundorne - Harlescott
