The Northwood Crescent Bus Stop is located on Northwood Crescent in Carterton .
The nearest post code to this bus stop is OX18 1D, which is 45.86 metres away.
Northwood Crescent is a Bus Stop in Carterton
Street: | Northwood Crescent |
Town: | Carterton |
Bus Stop Latitude: | 51.76724852 |
Bus Stop Longitude: | -1.58786945 |
Bus Stop Eastings: | 428537 |
Bus Stop Northings: | 207699 |
Unitary Authority Area: | Oxfordshire |
Region: | South East |
Indicator: | SE-bound |
Bearing: | SE |
Bus Stop NaptanCode: | oxfgpwa |
Bus Stop AtcoCode: | 340004051EAS |
Next Stop | E-bound, York Road, Carterton |
Previous Stop | opp, Broadshires Health Centre, Monahan Way, Carterton |
Days | Tuesday Thursday | Saturday | Tuesday Thursday | Saturday | Tuesday Thursday | Saturday | Tuesday Thursday | Saturday | Tuesday Thursday | Saturday | Thursday | Thursday |
Times | 9:22 | 9:22 | 10:22 | 10:22 | 11:22 | 11:22 | 12:22 | 12:22 | 13:22 | 13:22 | 15:22 | 16:22 |
Notes |