GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Shabbington Turn (Travelling East) adj Bus Stop in A418 North Weston

The Shabbington Turn Bus Stop is located on A418 in North Weston .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is OX33 1J, which is 101.47 metres away.

Map of the Shabbington Turn Bus Stop


Shabbington Turn is a Bus Stop in North Weston

Landmark:Shabbington Turn
Town:North Weston
Bus Stop Latitude:51.74788002
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.01860620
Bus Stop Eastings:467849
Bus Stop Northings:205920
Unitary Authority Area:Oxfordshire
Region:South East
Bus Stop NaptanCode:oxfawma
Bus Stop AtcoCode:340003242OPP

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Buses that call at this Stop

120: Aylesbury - Haddenham - Thame - Wheatley - Oxford

280: Thame - Wheatley - Headington - Oxford City Centre

400: Thame - Wheatley - THORNHILL P&R - Headington - Oxford Rail Station


N280: Thame - Wheatley - Headington - Oxford Rail Station
