GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Dorchester Abbey (Travelling North West) opp Bus Stop in Henley Road Dorchester

The Dorchester Abbey Bus Stop is located on Henley Road in Dorchester .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is OX10 7J, which is 182.00 metres away.

Bus Shelterno

Map of the Dorchester Abbey Bus Stop


Dorchester Abbey is a Bus Stop in Dorchester

Street:Henley Road
Landmark:Rotten Row Corner
Bus Stop Latitude:51.64318529
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.16541552
Bus Stop Eastings:457847
Bus Stop Northings:194150
Unitary Authority Area:Oxfordshire
Region:South East
Bus Stop NaptanCode:oxfadwa
Bus Stop AtcoCode:340000941ABB

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Buses that call at this Stop

138: Wallingford - Shillingford - Dorchester - Berinsfield - Drayton St Leonard

138: Wallingford - Shillingford (Park Homes)

BB2: Clifton Hampden - Didcot Schools


D1: Wallingford - Dorchester - (Berinsfield -) Burcot - Didcot