GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Kings Meadow Campus (Travelling North) Stop LI24 Bus Stop in Lenton Lane Lenton Lane Industrial Estate Nottingham

The Kings Meadow Campus Bus Stop is located on Lenton Lane in Lenton Lane Industrial Estate which is a region of Nottingham .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Bus Shelterno

Map of the Kings Meadow Campus Bus Stop

Kings Meadow Campus Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Kings Meadow Campus is a Bus Stop in Lenton Lane Industrial Estate

Street:Lenton Lane
Landmark:R.S. Trade Counter
Bus Stop Latitude:52.93690130
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.17352799
Bus Stop Eastings:455644
Bus Stop Northings:338042
Unitary Authority Area:Nottingham
Region:East Midlands
Indicator:Stop LI24
Parent Locality:Nottingham
Bus Stop NaptanCode:ntmajtm
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3390LI24

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