GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Appleton Gate (Travelling North East) adj Bus Stop in Appleton Gate Newark

The Appleton Gate Bus Stop is located on Appleton Gate at the crossing with Mount Lane in Newark .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the Appleton Gate Bus Stop

Appleton Gate Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Appleton Gate is a Bus Stop in Newark

Street:Appleton Gate
Crossing:Mount Lane
Bus Stop Latitude:53.07643562
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.80695879
Bus Stop Eastings:480022
Bus Stop Northings:353910
Unitary Authority Area:Nottinghamshire
Region:East Midlands
Bus Stop NaptanCode:ntsajmj
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3300NS0148

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