GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Leadale Crescent (Travelling South East) adj Bus Stop in Marples Avenue Mansfield Woodhouse

The Leadale Crescent Bus Stop is located on Marples Avenue at the crossing with Leadale Crescent in Mansfield Woodhouse .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is NG19 9E, which is 89.54 metres away.

Map of the Leadale Crescent Bus Stop


Leadale Crescent is a Bus Stop in Mansfield Woodhouse

Street:Marples Avenue
Crossing:Leadale Crescent
Bus Stop Latitude:53.17268714
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.17676987
Bus Stop Eastings:455125
Bus Stop Northings:364269
Unitary Authority Area:Nottinghamshire
Region:East Midlands
Bus Stop NaptanCode:ntsampt
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3300MA0253

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