GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Harlow Hill (Travelling South East) 32004350 Bus Stop in Otley Road Harlow Moor Harrogate

The Harlow Hill Bus Stop is located on Otley Road at the crossing with Harlow Hill in Harlow Moor which is a region of Harrogate .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the Harlow Hill Bus Stop


Harlow Hill is a Bus Stop in Harlow Moor

Street:Otley Road
Crossing:Harlow Hill
Landmark:Beckwith Head Road
Bus Stop Latitude:53.97957121
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.56958064
Bus Stop Eastings:428326
Bus Stop Northings:453809
Unitary Authority Area:North Yorkshire
Parent Locality:Harrogate
Bus Stop NaptanCode:3200435
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3200YNE04350

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