GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Nunnington Village Road End (Travelling East) E-bound Bus Stop in Church Street Nunnington

The Nunnington Village Road End Bus Stop is located on Church Street at the crossing with Nunnington Village Road End in Nunnington .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is YO62 4L, which is 192.74 metres away.

Map of the Nunnington Village Road End Bus Stop

Nunnington Village Road End Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Nunnington Village Road End is a Bus Stop in Nunnington

Street:Church Street
Crossing:Nunnington Village Road End
Landmark:Station Road
Bus Stop Latitude:54.20605141
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.97990063
Bus Stop Eastings:466635
Bus Stop Northings:479403
Unitary Authority Area:North Yorkshire
Bus Stop NaptanCode:3209121
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3200YNA91216

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Buses that call at this Stop

177: Nunnington - Malton
