GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Todhills Farm (Travelling North West) near Bus Stop in road to Kirkley Hall Ogle

The Todhills Farm Bus Stop is located on road to Kirkley Hall in Ogle .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is NE20 0AZ, which is 300.71 metres away.

Map of the Todhills Farm Bus Stop


Todhills Farm is a Bus Stop in Ogle

Street:road to Kirkley Hall
Landmark:farm entrance
Bus Stop Latitude:55.09496612
Bus Stop Longitude:-1.78804345
Bus Stop Eastings:413625
Bus Stop Northings:577858
Unitary Authority Area:Northumberland
Region:North East
Bus Stop NaptanCode:nldgtdp
Bus Stop AtcoCode:3100Z136779

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