GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Swanton Abbot Road (Travelling North East) opp Bus Stop in Swanton Abbot Road Westwick

The Swanton Abbot Road Bus Stop is located on Swanton Abbot Road in Westwick .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the Swanton Abbot Road Bus Stop

Swanton Abbot Road Bus Stop
Leaflet | © Ordnance Survey 2020

Swanton Abbot Road is a Bus Stop in Westwick

Street:Swanton Abbot Road
Landmark:Swanton Hall Turn
Bus Stop Latitude:52.78877034
Bus Stop Longitude:1.37029809
Bus Stop Eastings:627353
Bus Stop Northings:326569
Unitary Authority Area:Norfolk
Bus Stop NaptanCode:NFOGDMD
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2900W213

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