GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Queens Drive (Travelling West) Adjacent Bus Stop in Bowring Park Road Broadgreen Liverpool

The Queens Drive Bus Stop is located on Bowring Park Road in Broadgreen which is a region of Liverpool .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is L14 3NY, which is 23.69 metres away.

Map of the Queens Drive Bus Stop


Queens Drive is a Bus Stop in Broadgreen

Street:Bowring Park Road
Landmark:The Rocket PH
Bus Stop Latitude:53.40672853
Bus Stop Longitude:-2.89940040
Bus Stop Eastings:340306
Bus Stop Northings:390367
Unitary Authority Area:Merseyside
Region:North West
Parent Locality:Liverpool
Bus Stop NaptanCode:merdmpg
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2800S44075B

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Buses that call at this Stop

6: The Globe - Liverpool ONE Bus Station / Alighting only
