GeoPunk Bus Timetables

Singleton Avenue (Travelling North) adj Bus Stop in Borough Road Devonshire Park Tranmere

The Singleton Avenue Bus Stop is located on Borough Road in Devonshire Park which is a region of Tranmere .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is CH62 3P, which is 131.95 metres away.

Map of the Singleton Avenue Bus Stop


Singleton Avenue is a Bus Stop in Devonshire Park

Street:Borough Road
Bus Stop Latitude:53.37771116
Bus Stop Longitude:-3.03384079
Bus Stop Eastings:331322
Bus Stop Northings:387260
Unitary Authority Area:Merseyside
Region:North West
Parent Locality:Tranmere
Bus Stop NaptanCode:merajpw
Bus Stop AtcoCode:2800S20002A

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Buses that call at this Stop

38B: Eastham Ferry - West Kirby
