GeoPunk Bus Timetables

The Mead (Travelling West) Bus Stop in Mead Close Boultham Moor Lincoln

The The Mead Bus Stop is located on Mead Close in Boultham Moor which is a region of Lincoln .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is , which is 0.00 metres away.

Map of the The Mead Bus Stop


The Mead is a Bus Stop in Boultham Moor

Street:Mead Close
Landmark:The Mead
Bus Stop Latitude:53.20236707
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.57663054
Bus Stop Eastings:495173
Bus Stop Northings:368200
Unitary Authority Area:Lincolnshire
Region:East Midlands
Parent Locality:Lincoln
Bus Stop NaptanCode:linjmgt
Bus Stop AtcoCode:270000010296

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