GeoPunk Bus Timetables

St Lukes Hospital (Travelling North West) opp Bus Stop in Leicester Road Market Harborough

The St Lukes Hospital Bus Stop is located on Leicester Road in Market Harborough .

The nearest post code to this bus stop is LE16 7AR, which is 119.82 metres away.

Map of the St Lukes Hospital Bus Stop


St Lukes Hospital is a Bus Stop in Market Harborough

Street:Leicester Road
Landmark:St Lukes Hospital
Bus Stop Latitude:52.48596492
Bus Stop Longitude:-0.93142992
Bus Stop Eastings:472659
Bus Stop Northings:288097
Unitary Authority Area:Leicestershire
Region:East Midlands
Bus Stop NaptanCode:leijmwg
Bus Stop AtcoCode:260022645

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